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Cart #begi_ideocart-0 | 2022-01-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome <INTERN NAME> to the Department of Ideocartography!

On the display before you, we have preloaded the "Beginner Ideocartography" cartridge. This is a standard introduction to ideocartography, and is widely considered to be mostly safe to perceive.

Your task is to investigate, within a limited range of colors and textures, for the presence of active entities. As you use the arrow keys to explore your layer of <REDACTED>, please record short descriptions of the images you see, and please note any feelings you experience. Most of these entities should be rendered inert via compression into two dimensions (plus time). If not, press Z to capture a still photo, or X to capture a moving gif, and report immediately to <REDACTED>

Per C.O.17IL98 I am obligated to inform you that there is a combination of keys that the original creator encoded which will remove the color limit and enable <REDACTED>. This creates <REDACTED>, and should not be done without supervision by an ideocartographer of at least rank <REDACTED>


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