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Cart #10300 | 2015-04-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Little test space game, might flesh it out a bit more, loving pico-8!

Update : 29 April 2015

Added a bit of game flow like title screen and stuff.
Enemies move towards you.
You can die.
Konami Morning Music

Add a star field
generate levels on seeds
enemy motherships spawn enemies?
momentum based ship movement?
Who knows! Just kinda going with ideas when i get a little tinker time.


I would suggest making shots fire in the same direction as long as you hold the fire button, similar to the way Voxatron handles it.

Thanks that's a good suggestion, I think the way the player moves will change drastically in the next picosesh I get though, but I'll give that some though.

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