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I just had my computer crash as I was testing code. I had not saved it for an hour but was running it quite often. Before my computer crashed I had just run the program 1-minute prior.

Found my code despite not having saved for an hour.

At first I couldn't find it searching \backup\ for DI which is the beginning two characters of my code.

So then I searched by date and FOUND it. The filename is encoded inside \backup\ using the following notation:

1111 22 33 4 555555 6 7.. 8

  1. The first 4-digits are the YEAR.
  2. The next 2-digits are the MONTH.
  3. The next 2-digits are the DAY (01-31).
  4. There is a single underline character.
  5. Then - I'm not sure, it appears to be a 6-digit ID code. It is definitely not the hour and minutes. The higher the ID # though then the more recent copy you saved.
  6. There is another underline.
  7. Then the remaining characters are the name of your project that you saved initially.
  8. The extension is .p8

. . .

So there you have it ! As long as you have saved your program once and run it once \backup\ will save a copy every time you RUN or execute your program.

Even if you have not saved your program, every time you run it your project name will be "untitled" so you can still recover it provided you have it RUN or executed it at least once.

@zep may I suggest that you also auto-save your program every 5-minutes or the minutes between auto-saves can be entered into configuration.

While it seems unlikely I suppose if \backup\ does achieve a size of 1 gigabyte or larger, ZEP, you might inform the user when a new save is made so they can manually trim the folder themselves.

Hope This Helps !


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