I wanted to put celeste mods in a multi-cart so I did.
I pretty much stole
(used as a base) the code from this (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=31895)
What other carts should I add?
All celeste, i liked it
Haha i'm brazilian and not speak english
OG Pico Celeste: Now this wasn't so hard. I played this cart multiple times and it isn't so bad once you get the hang of things. The spike collision is a bit forgiving allowing you to get one of the later strawberries by simply going up into it and dashing higher to get it. So far I THOUGHT this was going to be a lot easier than it was going to be...
Rainer: And then this cart came along...Now there's nothing wrong with it, I quite enjoyed Rainer but there is one Lemon, ONE SINGULAR LEMON!! That, to this day I have no idea how I got it but still somehow...I managed. So I thought I would finally relax by playing my favorite mod cart... (also the spike physics are janky cause sometimes you can just walk on Spikes if you jump on them properly)
Perisher: Which is this one and yeah, I did have a much calmer time playing Perisher at least compared to Rainer. I did have a lot of deaths but Perisher has that level of difficulty that the original Celeste game gives so I quite enjoyed this and my more calming runs continued with...
Celeste Hard-Mode: So this one was just Celeste but "Harder" Not really Spikes are in inconvenient places but it wasn't nothing I couldn't manage. So now we move on to...
Old Site: The cart that's the most like the original Celeste with a few mechanics from it. My deaths were mostly due to me being a bit dim with my actions but I managed to beat it deathless nonetheless...
But then...there was...Adelie...
Now I haven't beaten it as of typing this but even going into it I knew I was going to have issues.
Now I thought this part was going to give me issues since I had difficulty doing this jump when playing through it regularly. But after a few attempts I realized that this was possible without the dash upgrade. All I had to do was dash up left while under the block next to the spring at the right corner of it.
So I thought things would be easier...until I remembered this...
So I know that to get the strawberry inside of there you have to dash into the corner...but I don't know how to that without dying...the funny thing is that there are more difficult jumps before this one that I keep dying to. So I can't even attempt this one until I do the others.
But I'll keep trying and when I do so I'll even post it on the Adelie cart as well...Until then my fingers are going to regret being a part of me.
THIS IS THE JUMP!!! I have no idea how I even managed to do it...also I'm now aware I mispelled Rainier...but it lost the right to proper spelling the moment it threw this at me.
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