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Cart #virtuous_vanquisher_of_evil-4 | 2023-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update to v1.4

  • Potentially fix bug of disappearing hero, this time I think I could replicate it too!
  • Fix for when chests spawn on top of stairs, should be safe to open them now
  • Tweak the loot drop a tiny weeny little bit for boss chests

Update to v1.3

  • Potentially fix bug of disappearing hero (again)

Update to v1.2

  • Fix bug of occasionally disappearing hero
  • Remove intermission music on level cleared (it was more than annoying)

Update to v1.1

  • Fix crash (reported by @MasterNyborg below)
  • Fix some minor color bugs
  • Fix equip scene bug


Neat game, I hit an error when I attacked a little wizard guy. I posted a screenshot of the game+text


@MasterNyborg Superthanks for reporting and for the screenshot, invaluable!


What does the book of concentration or AF affect?


Hard as nails at least for me. Needs a save game option. Pretty good way to have a big map with tiny sprites. Nice challenging game. Gold star for you.


Wow, this feels like a very tiny souls-like/rouge-li(k/t)e game. Love it.

@Thom thanks for playing! AF affects the attack speed, it stands for Attack Frames. I've compiled a FAQ for the game here for the curious: https://github.com/ironchestgames/pico-8-carts/wiki/Virtuous-Vanquisher-of-Evil#item-suffix

@dw817 Thanks! I take all those statements as compliments :P

@Cabledragon Thaanks!

Could you post loot table info?

I would love to see more content added to this, it's a cool game!

Cool game and interesting game. Definitely fun.
What I found difficult was to estimate my range with the sword. I often hit the air, especially when it has to be fast and I managed to throw my sword away right away in the first round. :D
When this happens, you can no longer start the round. Maybe it needs a mechanism that prevents throwing away the last weapon.

Cool game. If you want more loot, you can exploit the "forgotten king" bossfight by not killing him and farming his army which he constantly summons. After you think you've done (usually like 5 minutes of farming is enough), you just kill the boss and enjoy the whole dungeon filled with loot chests.

Ack! I reached floor 15 but got stuck because I was spawned inside a wall

Oh well, it's good game nonetheless. I love the fact that gained loot isn't gone on restart, if you equip them that is.

@Bloodbane I potentially fixed this bug. It's an old one that I myself have a hard time reproducing, but I read through the code and found a couple of places where I did something weird. Hopefully it's more stable now.

@F4ct_Ph0b14.2 there is a wiki, maybe you'll find what you seek there? https://github.com/ironchestgames/pico-8-carts/wiki/Virtuous-Vanquisher-of-Evil

@Sup3rAw3som3Gam3r thank you! I have nothing planned for this particular game, but maybe if interest goes up?

@PeanutsFly haha, yeah, sorry about that. Some QoL features regarding the inventory didn't make it, couldn't fit within token limit.

@collinthenewmaker oh you exploiter you! ;)


I ran into a problem where the loot chest and the exit spawned on top of each other, and when I tried to loot, I ended up jumping to the next level sans loot.

But I love how your little dude changes when you get different gear. Super cool.

@joealarson my man, thanks for trying out my game, agreed on the loot vs stairs problem!

How do you kill Samiel (or Saniel, I'm not sure, the font isn't helpful) with the sword?

I try to ice him, but that doesn't kill him, I go in for the strike, and he hits me before I can juke away. So I try to let him hit me and juke the hit, but he's reloaded before I can get in for a hit again. Is there any way to kill it besides ranged weapons (and no shield)?

@joelarson he's a tough one, it can be rather hard without the right items. Icebolts do damage if the enemy is already frozen though.

Completed the game consecutively three times. A cool little gem, even if some parts are unpolished. The combat system is fun, looting is enjoyable, my Freezing Sword of Frost Bolts carried me through the game and might be OP.

@PrinceD nYCE! Congrats and thanks for the kind words!

Any hints on Samael? He kills me in 2 hits when I have full knight armor and a sharp sword of Haste.

It's fun to play a game that has arcade-like combat with the different weapons and armor in effect, nicely done!

Just looked up and saw the comment on Samael :) Ice sword is the only way I did it. Now if I could just beat Forgotten King...

Suggestion: How about a little victory song and a 'Level Cleared' message?

I did get thrown out of the bounds of the level one time. It happened during the 'judo flip' that often occurs when the player intersects with the enemy. Is the position flipping / jumping a bug?

I've been killed by The Evil now about 6 or 7 times. Not sure what weapon will actually harm it. Any hints?


Woo, holy crap I finally did it! Only way it was possible was 3 haste items including a bow of haste, and one dragonscale helmet of concentration. That gave me a rapid-fire regular bow that could hit The Evil from a safe distance. Can't even count the number of loops through until bats or demons killed me most of the time. Item drops could be nicer. Less useless items, less duplicate items.

Ice sword with 40 haste, 4 Armor Points, and firebolt can get a really nice run, beat evilk two times with no deaths.

@Shadow_Blaster6 - You can't use fireball and sword skills at the same time, can you? I agree it's all about Haste and Concentration. Ice helps a lot with bats and Samael. Other than that, get as many hits in as fast as possible.

@greglikescomputers - you can't, but you can very easily switch between the two when dealing with large or small groups, I personally use the ice sword to stunlock small groups and deal with ranged casters or large groups one enemy at a time with spells, fireball usually forks better, as icebolt doesn't deal as much damage.

@Shadow_Blaster6 Is there a way to switch in the middle of a level? I thought inventory was accessible only via 'the horse' at the end of a level.


Hi @Greglikescomputers ! Thanks for playing and commenting! Congrats on beating the game, it was really fun to read your journey through it, which also makes me happy as it looks like the game has the difficulty and arcade-y qualities I hoped for :D

@Shadow_Blaster6 thanks for taking the time to reply


I'm compulsively looping through it in chillout mode now. A Sharp sword of concentration + 2-3 other concentration items and good coordination at getting all the sword strike angles makes it a pretty fast run. Just looking for that bow of concentration to give me the rapid fire again. Hitting The Evil rapidly in the feet with leveled up concentration takes him down before he can hit me, and all the other bosses are no problem now.

@Greglikescomputers hehe nice, a true vanquishing virtuose!

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