Look Who's The Shining Two! follows the adventures of Adult Danny Torrance, who has just gotten a job at the Overlook Hotel but is stuck in the haunted hedge maze on his first day. Can you commute to work?!
This game was created for the PiCoSteveMo game jam, with music by kittenm4ster and technical support from pancelor. Thanks to BaseCase for hosting PiCoSteveMo!
This dialog tree can't go on forever...
Of course not, trees have a root and end with leafs, lets explore deeper down the rabbit hole...
Pretty fun overall. I think I've cheesed a few puzzles. For example, I got tony before the yellow axe. I could never understand the monster movement logic, so I just restarted those screen until drunkenly stumbling upon the solution, witch felt like something my character would do. Encountered one nasty soft-lock that wouldn't even get fixed by resetting the game : on the screen where you get the block rewind drink, if you drop the grey stone in the water, it gets saved and you'll never get the item after that without restarting the entire game from scratch.(Much scarier than it was difficult, every previously solved puzzle was still fresh in my memory, and the most difficult thing was finding the new game option).
A fail-safe trigger occurred in same screen I stupidly dropped the stone in the water, but it just sent me to the start of the maze without resetting the stone, so it didn't help in my case.
Awesome! I can't imagine how long the pixel art took!
[8x8] | |
Oof, none of the playtesters spotted that soft-lock. I've tweaked the room design so that should be impossible. Thanks! I think I've also fixed the bug where you could wrong-warp into a wall while slipping on ice.
Cheesing puzzles is totally legit IMO -- Puzzlescript-style games tend to be very tightly designed, with no extraneous pieces and exactly one solution to every puzzle, but I wanted to explore the idea of using those mechanics more like an immersive sim would, where it's less of a puzzle and more of a situation that you approach using the tools that you have.
I loved it! if you don't get the rewind whisky before going to the first room you can get stuck in between the "â–¶ block" and the "↔" arrows but it's not too big of a deal since it's at the start.
Was frustrated at the one part with the green guys (I saw them as fish at first) outside the walls but once I realized I could go around it made it a lot easier. I love the music, yall killed it in general.
What a title for a cart! What a great cart! I really had so much fun playing this (although I also required the clue above). And like RealShadowCaster said, I don't really understand the way the hedge monsters react to me
Hedge tiger spoilers:
Late game hedge tiger spoilers:
I love it's based on the movie, the cover of the music, the art, the gameplay... You have talent, and I am enjoying the game thanks
Its the conversation stuck on loop forever on purpose? I need to reset the cart because didn't know how to stop the conversation at the start wiping
Thanks so much!
That conversation is intended to be an infinite loop!
Note that if you encountered that conversation on the first screen of the game, that was a bug that I just fixed. You're supposed to encounter that dialog tree on the last screen of the game!
Ah ok, I get it the first time I boot the game after the update. I will try later. Thanks love the concept, maybe more large conversation, options to choose and make hints about reset the game in the conversation will be perfect. Thanks for the game
AFter some confusion, I managed to complete this short sokoban game. Too bad the axes are pretty much keys unlike the bottles who have way more usage here.
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Since this game was due on a jam deadline I didn't give it my usual leisurely playtest/bugfix cycle, so it shipped rough and you all helped me iron out all the kinks. If you are interested, here's a partial list of things I changed since that first version:
I just noticed, the version of the game at the top of this thread is the latest, but the version you find using Splore is the previous version. It seems like I somehow uploaded the most recent fix as an unlisted cart. Is there a good way to fix this?
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