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User: zhangsan520

What can be done is the question, Freds ? I checked, there's no way to BLOCK this user's post from appearing for me. :(



A certain few users can "hide" spam posts since zep is generally too busy to keep it monitored.

Edit: meaning you're better off posting actual links to the posts in question, rather than usernames.

Comments on this post are spam



This is getting ridiculous. Can't someone make a query for creating a new account that requires you to type out the single 7-character word for the number of colors PICO-8 uses ?

That should stop a robot anyways.

It's been super helpful when you all post links in this thread. I've been checking a few times a day lately and have caught a number of them before they get posted here, but this definitely helps. There's been quite an uptick in recent times.

And Another ... let's weed 'em all out ...


It's possible to easily stop this problem. @zep, email me. I has the solution. No captchas or anything that could inconvenience users or add any extra steps to commenting.


I wasn't sure if you were still active. I'm checking in about once or twice a day myself. If both of us are finding this many to mark, it's definitely an uptick.

Also, I notice they've started posting normal posts and then, a day or two later, going back and modifying them to include spam links. :( Mutter.

Scathe, dju get in contact with ZEP ?

We... do? We've been quarantining spammers and their posts every day.

Well that's good. It seems to be from the same account.


Any way to ban that account to nip it in the bud ?

That would be over to zep. All we can do is quarantine them and their posts. How they're getting around that to post more, I don't know.

Well I'll be vigilant and list 'em here when I find them. Best I can do. Thanks ...


This user send to be posting spam text blocks


I guess the good news is they're not using chapters from any of my books to peddle their pratty wares.

Looks like they are quoting from something though, a passage from a book or article from a magazine - desperate to get past a word or URL blocker I guess.

2 more... were those first 2 removed or are they deleting and reposting to break urls?



and those 2 are instantly gone, either the mods are quick, or the bots are learning

I'm not so sure these are all bots. This one seemed almost relevant to the discussion, and it wasn't an absurd wall of text, either.

@VgBlade The former. ;)

@Remagamer Pretty sure it's still a bot. They're adept at trying to seem relevant to the discussion, but are usually just constructing comments from keywords. Sometimes they are general enough comments that they sort of seem to relate to the discussion, but having seen enough of them (especially when they miss the mark), it's easier to see the pattern they use.


Wasn't ZEP mentioning something about upgrading the forum the end of this month ?


Unless we suddenly got live chat support lol


anyone need help writing their college final lol

Possibly HERE:


Although it seems like a human filled this one out.


Advertising a site that neither carries PICO games nor allows you to upload them.

Also an obvious one here by Wattane:


We had spambots in another forum and we ended up creating a forum called 'how to join' and it had the answer to the question asked as the 'captcha' since it wasn't a generic captcha that bots will sniff out and such, but a blank entry thing with the most unlikely word ever as what you're supposed to type into it.

In other words, AI's are trained to deal with captcha, not humans, so make the solution a human context and intellectual one and AI's will freeze outside in the cold.

This goes for all automatd solutions to problems, btw...automation is like thinking you never have to repair your plumbing because it's not broken today. You still have to maintain it for it to not break.

I'm all for it Hseiken, allow me to be your cheerleader on this ... or something. :)

But yes, whatever can be done to end the spam - cause we get it every week, and in bundles. Nasty stuff.

Spam comment by Johnmartin in

We have a new spammer in the midst:


No way to just delete their accounts ?

what about limiting forum users that dont own pico8 or voxatron to 256 character posts, 5 posts per day, and no hyperlinks?

i might be wrong on this one


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