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Cart #zatetodara-1 | 2023-11-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Grade: 100 !!!!!

made in 2 days (after school hours) for a school project.
if you're going to read the code, I'm terribly sorry...
everything in this game is rushed, and not the standard I hold myself by. Frankly, I'm pretty embarrassed by this. I wish I could've made this better, I wish I had more time, but at the end of the day at least I'm done.

what I learned from this:
the presidential roles
how 2 pixel art

What I wish I improved:
every single minigame. each one was made in one or two hours and half of the logic happens in the draw function.

Honestly, though, this was a fun challenge to do, minus all of the stress of course.

Thank you to my history teacher for letting me do this
Have fun playing <3

The President’s Roles

 Chief of State- Ceremonial Head of the Government
Speaks for the Country as if he were the Leader

 Chief Executive- Head of the Executive Branch
He runs the Government and all the workers

 Chief Legislator- Proposer of the legislative agenda
He tells Congress what the problems are and how we
need to fix them

 Commander in Chief- Head of the Nation’s Armed Forces
He is in charge of the military and all parts of it

 Chief Diplomat- Architect of American Foreign Policy
He decides how the US deals with other countries

 Chief of Party- Leader of his/her political party

He is the most popular member of his party and they
follow his lead

 Chief Citizen- Representative of all of the People

He is the example that the rest of the world uses to
judge America


so as i was reading the presidential roles in the u.s i realized that i was almost the same in brazil, except for the chief of party part here these two are separate roles

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