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Cart #zamboni-13 | 2021-12-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Been working on this off and on for quite a while and it's the most complicated one I've ever written. Needed to learn camera, palettes, and modulo math. I'm probably the most proud of the dynamic music queuing when the Zamboni shows up, and during the game over screen. Thanks Gruber for all your publicly published music tutorials.


I loved the "ha ha ha" sounds. Neat ice effects.


That is one pi$$ed off Zamboni driver. I feel like him some days. :) Gold star to hang on your dashboard.

Cute game. You might add a meter below of pixels which shows the distance between the skater and driver, thus the player does in fact have a goal to achieve, the other side.

So perhaps the skater has to skate close to 6400 pixels shown in a 128x1 field where 50-pixels distance counts as one pixel below.

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