Hi all,
In preparation for an upcoming game jam, I've quickly recreated Cannonhead Clash, an Atari 2600 homebrew game that I first published almost a year ago. This version has quite a bit missing (no menus, no AI opponent, etc) but I hope you enjoy it regardless.
This game is a two player game where you try to hit the opponent with one of your bombs. By holding down either button, you charge your shot- the longer the charge, the further the bomb goes. Your bombs can destroy terrain, too, so keep that in mind!
If you'd like to see the original 2600 version you can find it here.
Version 2.0:
- Added title screen
- Added CPU opponent
- Added scoring
- Fixed infinite charging bug for Player 2
- Fixed bug where walk sound/animation would not play if left/right was held during the death animation

Dude this is hard af but fun! Deserves to be on Featured in my opinion :)
EDIT: Won the 1 player game!

Btw maybe you should upgrade the graphics to look like a GBC game instead of an atari one idunno
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