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Cart #xenophobia-4 | 2020-03-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Updated build of this shooter game I've been working on. Pretty new to Pico and I'm still learning. :)

There are 3 levels, bosses, upgrades to your ship, and a special shot if you fill up the special bar.

There is some music, more tunes to come!




You've got some GREAT looking space-ships in here, @mylz.

Solid shooter with power-ups complete with good animation and planet backdrop. Nicely done. Gold star for you !


Nice! Played all three levels and beat them on my first try! :D

The animation on the ship is great - with the slight turn and the delay for the side pods. The art overall is really well done, although I had difficulty differentiating the foreground from the background in a few places (satellites in the first level and buildings in the third were particularly confusing).

Looking forward to the next levels!

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