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Cart #x_self_shmup-3 | 2023-01-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is my first complete(ish) game, which I made while following along with Lazydevs Academy's "Shmup" tutorial series. I am still in the beginning stages of learning to code, and I found this series immensely helpful - so thank you, Lazydevs!


It's lonely out in space - your job is to spread love and light to the far reaches of the galaxy. Do you have what it takes to make space into a friendly place?


Use the arrow buttons to control your ship.
Use the "X" button to shoot your heart blaster.
Use the "Z"/"O" button to fire a bomb, and press "Z"/"O" again to deploy the bomb. After a certain period of time, bombs will explode on their own if not deployed.


You get a bonus Life and Bomb for each 50 friends that you make, so try to befriend as many critters as you can, especially if you need the supplies.

Keep an eye out for "Bomby", the rainbow sprite included in many levels. If you can hit them in time, you will always get a free bomb! A few other critters also drop items - see if you can find them all!

Credits and Behind the Scenes

Thanks once again to Lazydevs Academy for their Shmup tutorial series.
Thank you to my partner for being horrified at the idea of cute pixel critters getting killed by a blaster - a moment which prompted the theme and styling of the rest of the game. I am hoping to take another pass at the code of this game to clean it up and add a few more waves - ideally, I'd like to have 20 waves of enemies and a few more power-ups.


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