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Cart #welcometobulletheck-3 | 2024-04-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome To BulletHeck

Welcome To BulletHeck is a small Rougelike game focused on randomized items and conserving energy. Energy is consumed by both shooting (x) and sprinting (z) and running out will cause the player to slow down for a short time. New guns and items can be discovered as you progress as well as stat upgrades that can be bought from shops. The only objective is to reach floor 10 and fight the boss.


Weapons can be found in chests scattered around the map. Each gun has perks and disadvantages so there isn't really a best option. Each run you could be given different guns so try and experiment!


Trinkets act like charms from Hollow knight or accessories from Terraria. Each has its own ability that help boost the player in some way, whether that be increasing the players damage, movement speed, or other unique effects such as leaving a trail of fire when you sprint. However you can only have a limited number of them active at a time. You can increase the amount by buying the upgrade at the shop.

Thanks For Playing!

This game took a lot of work and it was a lot of fun to work on. There is definitely more that could be done with this but I tried to keep the game relatively small while still being fun to play. This may be the last game I make on Pico8 for awhile as I am looking forward to learning different programing languages but in the meantime I hope you enjoy playing Welcome To BulletHeck and the other games I have made!

1.2 Changelog

This is a much smaller update compared to the first but does have some notable changes

-simplified the UI to save tokens and make it easier to make visibility better
-added an animation for dying
-slightly buffed the speed of fuseheads when hit and added a visual for them speeding up
-slightly buffed the Heckfire (damage increase)

New Weapon: LazerRay!

With the extra tokens I had enough room to add in another weapon. It is similar to the heckfire but with longer range, less damage, and higher energy cost.

1.1 Changelog

Small Changes

-Nerfed Sniper (made it take more energy to fire)
-Buffed Revolver (reduced recoil)
-Reduced the costs of all shops (including hearts)
-Increased the average number of coins given out by chests
-Made the odds of obtaining weapons and trinkets from shops higher
-Moved UI slightly to make seeing doors at the top of the map easier

Medium Changes

-Wickers(Dashing Enemies) Now pause momentarily before dashing to give the player more time to react.
-Skullies(Shooting Enemies) Fire faster and their bullets have the ability to move through walls to make them more threatening in cramped rooms.
-Removed the plus shaped room as it was too awkward to fight in. It has been replaced with a chest room.
-Reduced the number of rooms per floor to make the game make the game drag out less.

Major Changes

Fusehead Rework

Fuseheads starting speed has been greatly reduced to make them less likely to immediately kill you. To compensate their health has been increased and now once hit their speed greatly increases. Hopefully This will make them less annoying to fight.

"Goods" Rework

In order to reduce RNG in regards to chests I have reworked how they as well as hearts spawn. Hearts (like shops) have their own separate room that they spawn in as shown above. Originally when trying to spawn a chest it would randomly pick between a regular chest, a locked chest, and a heart. Since Hearts have been moved to their own room the odds of getting a chest are now 100%.(Hearts also now only spawn if you have lost 50 health).

Gun Swap

You can now buy back your previous gun at the shop. Once you choose to keep a new gun your old gun will then be available at the shop for a small amount of coins if you would like to buy it back. This also carries between floors so as long as you don't pick up more guns the same one will stay in the shop. Hopefully this makes it easier to experiment while still being able to reuse a gun that you like.


This is cool! I only made it to floor 6 on the first run, but I'm definitely going back in.

My only gripe was that the shop was so expensive. I never collected enough coins to buy anything even though I made it more than halfway! I also only encountered one treasure chest, though I guess that's just the way the randomizer rolls sometimes.

This was quite fun, but after one run where I died to the boss I'm not sure if I feel like going through all the levels again.

Games of this type often make it easy to try out the different weapons, while making it a challenge to learn to use them effectively. Here, the weapons show up rarely and obviously on the first run we don't know how one we've never heard of before compares to what we're currently holding. Would it take a lot of tokens to make it so your existing weapon gets dropped to you can switch back to it, but whatever you have in hand when you leave the level is what you then have?

On my run I took the first one I was offered, "Scattershot," and it seemed effective enough that I ignored two others that I was offered. I took every trinket I could; only one shop showed up after I got the "Greed Bag" but I was able to buy every upgrade from that shop.

The main damage I took was from the fire enemies that dash and the bomb enemies; at least one of those exploded after hitting my fire trail, about the time the fire trail had an effect. If I took damage it was immediately after entering a room with 4 enemies; as soon as I destroyed at least one of them I usually had room to keep clear of the others.

You may feel like this took long enough, and you want to move on to other projects. But if you feel like adjusting the balance, here's what I'd like to see:

  1. Dungeons with less rooms.
  2. Individual rooms get harder to compensate.
  3. Shooting enemies be more of a problem. Maybe increase their rate of fire with dungeon level?
  4. Also make enemies more dangerous with time spent in their room, so taking damage moments after entering the room is less common, but hiding behind walls for too long makes them meaner: sprint enemies get faster, shooting enemies fire more shots. Do you have the tokens to have any enemies leave hazards behind as they walk around, similar to the tombstone left behind by one of the enemy types?
  5. Recover some health when moving to a new level.

But thank you for making this game, my time spent playing it was still fun.

Some tips for other players:

  1. Check behind the health indicator to make sure you haven't missed any room exits at the top of the screen.
  2. The three upgrades you can buy in shops are health capacity, energy capacity and trinket slots. Probably obvious to some, but it took a few minutes to work out the first time.
  3. Buying a health capacity upgrade will also restore you to full health. If you can buy an upgrade but have full health, consider clearing the current level before coming back to buy it.
  4. Don't dash through the shop screen, this will cause you to buy anything you run over!
  5. You may aim at enemies of the screen if they are closer than enemies on the screen. While frustrating if this causes you to take damage, this can also tell you where nearby enemies are and if you have missed any rooms.

Here's my status on the later levels:

Level 6:

Level 8:

Level 9:

Level 10:

I had fun with this cart, but I echo a lot of the feedback that @Cowirrie and @2bitchuck raised. The shop is too expensive and playing through to the end is slightly on the long side.

I hope you do iron-out the issues, because this has the potential to be really good. Thanks for posting


Hurray I won! I would have quite liked a "stat sheet" at the end of my victory (or death). Such as time taken, enemies killed, total gold.

Back to the weapons: I have played this 4 times and have only ever encountered one other weapon: "the sniper" which seems a bit overkill , but was fun . I've never encountered more than 2 pick-ups in a run, so having an "expansion" slot seemed pointless.


Thank you all for the feedback! I have implemented a patch that tries to fix a lot of the issues you've mentioned with the limited token space I still had. Hope this makes the game more enjoyable!


@JustaGameDev - Some reallty good fixes in there. Now I'm seeing weapons that I haven't encountered before and the enemy bullets passing through walls makes for much more of a challenge.

I'm still not a fan of the HUD though. Have you tried putting the health at top-left? Also when you die it is a bit sudden. If you don't have the tokens for a death animation, at least just ending on the room with a "you died" message would be preferable. Once when I was playing, I was frantically bashing the keys, when it appeared to suddenly start a new gane. I'd died and restarted without realising what had happened.


@phil yeah one of my friends who was playing said the same thing. I went back and simplified the UI to make it less obtrusive and added a death animation. Thanks again for the feedback!


The balance patch really smoothed things out and made for a more fun experience. I got to see more guns this time around, and the increased coins made buying from the shop more interesting than only having enough for one option like before.

The flamethrower gun went from underpowered to feeling slightly overpowered with the buff, but it's still more balanced than before; before the patch, the starter gun was actually one of the better guns, in my opinion, since it offered decent damage for little stamina. Then I got the Arbiter at the very last room before the boss, so while I didn't get to see how it did against regular enemies, I can certainly say it felt powerful against the boss! The guns have mostly been fun and interesting to experiment with.

The only thing is that I still have no idea what any of the trinkets do except the dash boots; their effects don't seem to have much-- if any-- effect on my run, so they're easy to ignore.

It's a good mix of difficulty in that the player is sometimes forced to think about the tactical situation of entering a room and balancing their stamina to reposition in the middle of a cramped combat. The length after the patch feels just right, too. Overall, it's very impressive for a Pico-8 roguelike!

These are some great changes. Having the shots fly through walls is smart, making sure we can't just sit behind walls forever. When I took damage this time, it felt like I'd got careless, not that I'd been unfairly unlucky.

Being able to return to one previous weapon at the shop is good too. It means we get a serious chance to try out the new weapon, and having it cost a small amount of money is good for making us really think if the old weapon is better, or just more familiar.

I picked up the Arbiter fairly early, and only changed weapons when offered... another Arbiter. Here's where I was at the end of level 9.

And this time...

It got tight, but I survived.

Trinkets I've seen:

Cross Necklace: No idea.
Dash Boots: Dashing uses less energy? Or do I dash faster? Not sure, but it did feel easier to get around.
Greed Bag: Enemies drop many more coins - at least double, possibly more.
Recovery Band: Energy regenerates faster?
Shock Heart: No idea.
Trail Blazers: Leave brief patches of fire behind when you run.
Wrath Skull: Increases damage?


So, I have played this game a LOT and I know a lot about this game. Here's some tips to the players. First of all, ALWAYS (if you can) upgrade your stamina. It helps SO MUCH. Another thing is that there are a few guns you should always get and some you should avoid. For example, the scattershot and the arbiter. Some stuff you should avoid is the grenade launcher, laserray, and heckfire, even with the recent buff. The t=gun that the shopkeeper sells all the way to the right is your previous gun, so if you accidentally pick up a bad one, remember that you can do that. Also, unless you have a lot of stamina, then don't buy the red chests. Sure they're good, but i'd still avoid it if you don't have like 3 stamina upgrades. Next are the trinkets. The shock heart will damage enemies around you when you get hit, so it's not the best cuz the damage kinda sucks. Then, the dash boots. They increase your speed A LOT, so take them, they're essential. Then the recovery band, which increases stamina regen. The greed bag gives 2x coins, the wrath skull is 1.25x damage (I think) Trail blazers also kinda sucks cuz bad damage from the fire. No idea for the cross necklace. Maybe less damage? That's all the trinkets, and some other stuff is order to take things out. First is the wizards, then the bombs, then the fires, then the normal enemies, and then the stones. That's all I have. If you want more info let me know!

why'd this game die :(

So fun :)

What does the Shockheart item actually do?

sends out a little shock that barely does damage when you get hit

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