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Cart #wekihiyoze-0 | 2020-05-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Ok,I understand, you are tired of this game. I hace published, once,twice, (three billion times)

I uderstand all that, but this is a demo of a much bigger game I am working on, The Final Monk.
This game includes only a few of the features of all the features the final one will have.
Please give it a try, and if you win post it.
The bow will only kill animals when they are in attack position
This one includes healh, but spikes will just kill you. The chrono up there tells you how much time you have before you run out of water

Hope you enjoy



Help can someone tell me why when y write my username with an @ it doesn´t convert it into a username?


Play the first version here
Play the 2cnd version here
Play the third version here


Keep going! You're doing great!

Thanks,a lot @Thom
That means a lot ot me because I almost gave up
Hearing you say that gives me new strength

I ve almost finished the final monk

How many "the monk" games are you gonna make Extrovert

I don´t know but problably the next will be the last
It is almost finished, i am working on the map now


This game is hard with the timer

Well, the timer was always there, the only thing is that now you get nervous because you actually see it
Thats the catch of the new version

Oh I get it
Nice job

Have you played @bridgs Just One Boss

The timer tells you how much time you have unless you drink water, then it dissapears

ok i noticed that

and yes, I have played @bridgs just one boss
I think it´s great

The hard mode is halfway impossible

Oh! You’re working off the same tutorial as me. A spot of criticism would be that the spikes are rather loud for a sound that plays all the time. Maybe turn them down a notch? Im jelly that you figured how to collect various types of items, and index them in an inventory already. I wanna do that too! It looks interesting. I’ma play some more.


@insens, the items are pretty easy to do
Have you done the tutorial of more tile types?
In that case, I can tell you how i did it.

Could someone tell me why when I write @ExtrovertPlatypus it doesn´t mark it?

@Blessmyday shouldn't work either

Wow It worked

Hey @ExtrovertPlatypus you probably are messing up somewhere. It may not look like it but there might be.

See t messed up on me too


FYI, you can update your cartridge with new versions instead of making a new thread for each one; click the "Edit" link under the game.

Thanks for the tip, @eevee


Does anyone else see how many comments this has unrelated to the game

Yeah, kind of a lot

If someone could post his opinion of te game....


Never mind.....

The new version is almost finished!

Are you going to add this to itch.io when you are done

Hey, if you want me to do so of course I will, but I am kind of stuck on my game so it might take a while

Extrovert, Ive not done the more tile types yet, but its been recommended, so on my todo list. Will get back to you on discord. We’ve spoken on there as well.

Ok, but only to recognise you, are you also called @insens on discord?

@ExtrovertPlatypus, are you gonna only make the monk games

No, my idea is after doing this one doing a platformer.
After that, I will problably watch the breakout tutorial of @Krystman

oh ok

Tomorrow I will update the game with a half-finished version of the complete game

dont see it

whats thw dudes name


Sorry, I am having a lot of problems os problably I will start the game almost from scracht, so that I can implement better not only the item system but also the mob and pathfinding system.
I am sorry but nothing is working

as in?

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