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This is the editor for Tiny Hawk!: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=142536

Cart #tinyhawk_editor-1 | 2024-06-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is very much a developer tool and not optimized for ease of use!! However, these are the controls...

Number keys 1,2,3,4,5,6: Change tile groups. 1 = basic blocks, 2 = ramps, 3 = rails, 4 = quarter pipes, 5 = special objects, 6 = floor decorations

LEFT CLICK to place a tile
RIGHT CLICK to switch tiles within the current tile group
SCROLL WHEEL = change tile height
Q = rotate a tile
D = delete a tile
E = switch from edit to play mode, or vice-versa
S = save the level file to YOUR CLIPBOARD (web version requires you to also press ctrl-C afterwards), then please don't forget to paste it somewhere like a notepad document if you want to save it permanently
L = load the level file that's on your clipboard. You may need to press ctrl-V in the editor before this works because of pico8 rules. To be honest, loading and saving and clipboard stuff on the browser version of pico8 seems really busted. Good luck!!!
G = visually update the bright lines at the back of tiles that help distinguish tall foreground tiles. This will happen automatically when you enter play mode, but useful if you want a good preview.

Oh one very important note... There are some tiles (mostly grind tiles) which really fail to work properly at certain rotations. My rotation system is very bad. I think the worst offenders are the horizontal rail (a straight line sideways) and the vertical rail (straight line up-down). If you have collision issues, this is probably the culprit and there's probably another way around it. Sorry!!


nice game

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