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Cart #stafford_gambit-1 | 2024-06-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Variations: The Stafford Gambit


  • These variations come from the Eric Rosen youtube channel.
    (watch the link while practicing with this cart for maximum understanding)

  • Big thank you to @Heracleum for kindly going through one of my previous variation carts and teaching me how to properly make a data table. Its made more variations possible.


The Stafford Gambit is an objectively bad opening for black. But white has to play accurately which is very hard to do, giving lots of attacking chances, pins, traps, and nasty mates. Natural moves for white lead to certain doom. If you learn these 20 variations inside and out you will confuse many opponents and have a blast doing it. If your opponent really knows what they are doing, you may be in serious trouble!


  • starting position is on move 3.Nxe5 for less repetition
  • computer moves faster than previous, painfully slow variation carts
  • hint button
  • random variation selection
  • menu navigation
  • stockfish evaluation at end of each variation


❎ select/de-select piece and move-to square
🅾️ hold down during black's move to show a hint



I like the first variation. Very sneaky :)

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