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Cart #spaz48_vvvvvvmoonfall_08-0 | 2020-01-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Okay so, first off, hello! I'm new here. I'm also bad with publicly posting stuff like this, let alone in a community i'm new to, so sorry if I made any mistakes.

Second, this was made for the "VVVVVV's 10th birthday eVVVVVVent!" jam as a tribute to VVVVVV and it'll be up there with a more thorough explanation soon after I post this. https://www.glorioustrainwrecks.com/node/11759 The jam deadline is in a few days and that started to stress me out a little so I just decided to submit it as-is and stop worrying about it.

Third, this is a mess. I'm not too competent when it comes to coding and I rarely ever comment anything unless I'm commenting out code. I'm sure it's not quite as bad as I think it is, but regardless I know under the hood it's a bit of a disaster. This is unfinished, and probably will never be finished, but who knows if I'll decide to come back to it or not.

It goes up to Space Station 1 and a few rooms of the Lab, then some miscellaneous rooms showing off other things I had done as well as a Veni, Vidi, Vici knockoff. Constructive criticism is appreciated although I'm aware of a lot of its shortcomings already. Hopefully, at least the bit of it that's finished is good.


This is great! You’re too hard on yourself. You packed a lot of content and polish in there, especially for a jam. Welcome to the BBS ☺️

Just posted my first post as well. Im new too :D And started to check out the posts and i Must say this was super cool and very fun! and pretty polished :O! Congrats \o/!

is this using the extra palettes?

Not exactly sure yet how replies work here, so I'll just do this for now.

@coyboy and @ScrappyMan25 Glad to hear it felt polished, that was one of my big concerns, actually. It didn't really have the same polished feel to it to me as Pico-8 stuff usually does. And yeah, thanks!

@DudeMine Yeah, it's using the secret colors. Kind of sloppily, too. That was one of the things I wanted to fix. I ended up making the YES men orange because yellow was taken up by the background, and it caused other problems like that.

@Spaz48 yeah i don't know how to do replies either, but i'm pretty sure you can set multiple colours in the palette to one colour, e.g 0,1,2,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,11,11,11,11

If you could have one song in this game fully remade in pico-8 what would it be?

Cool port and quite a bit of polish! I don't like that I have to let go of the flip button before I hit the ground or I'll flip again, but otherwise no complaints here!

@XeroZ00: Without a doubt, passion for exploring. Such a great tune.

@gate88 Thanks! And huh, I could swear the original was like that, but going back to check, it isn't. I was just trying to be accurate, but I guess I went off of an incorrect memory and never fact checked it.

@XeroZ00 and @zlg The great thing about VVVVVV's soundtrack is that it's so well rounded, everyone has a different favorite. Mine is Predestined Fate personally, but really, there's no wrong answer. Such an amazing soundtrack. I'm proud of my little bite-size renditions of each track, though.


"When I'm dead just throw me in the trash"-Danny Devito

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