Pico Party is a... I think, 95-98% finished?? ...demake of a Mario Party concept. There's a bit of polishing to do still, and I'm having some trouble getting minigames to stay engaged (which sucks because I rescoped like FIVE TIMES to make them fit in the first place); so it hurts a bit to call it for now. I'd really welcome some code feedback. There's still one or two crashes or softlocks I'm trying to work out.
I'd also like to make more graphical polish around the player characters - I ended up scrapping a lot of the finite state machine I had planned for action games, sadly; and sprite page 4 was always supposed to end up being a different skin altogether. Currently, players are differenciated by their pallete only.
- CPU using items (sometimes)
- Battle Space Games (I have no idea how calling a battle(p) function can even possibly result in a concatenation failure for 'p')
- Minigames themselves will display their name (correct) sometimes, but will immediately jump to the next turn instead of launching (that, or they launch and immediately conclude before meaningful gameplay commences, I'm not sure which!!)
- A couple of minigames are super basic/prototypical in presentation, intended for graphical polish so long as it doesn't inflate tokens (I'm at 8167/8192 now!!)... and as a result of them not launching, are relatively untested (that's where I'm at now)
- Smoothening animation between spaces (and actually making the animation work), jumpy camera/player desync on the board
- Also, for some unknown reason, I think the CPU just makes up counting rules for movement...
...presuming they work right...
Guess The Input: After the "Go!!", be the first player to guess the mystery input.
Controller Race: Be the first player to input the sequence correctly.
Fifteen Fever: A Blackjack-inspired game with cards up to 8 - either be the first to reach 15, or bust all of your opponents to win! Once you draw a card, you can play it on any player.
Button Bashers: A classic masher game. The prompt will change throughout the game, so change your inputs accordingly!
Four Door Monty: Four different-colored Shysters will move between doors. Afterwards, quickly identify the door containing the Shyster displayed before your opponents!
Dodge Drop: Just avoid the falling blocks!
Big Blast: A MP classic! Guess one of the buttons and hope you don't get blow'd up!!
Outta Sequence: Work together with a partner to step from 1 to 8. You can both pick a card each turn.
Two-Axis-Taxi: One teammate moves the team horizontally while the other moves the team vertically. Manuever around obstacles together to the finish line (also under construction).
Dungeon Duos: Use switches to move walls and bridges so both players can reach the end. Once you're there, guess the correct door out of nine to finish. Both players must enter to win!
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