(Warning: If you are sensitive to flashing lights, I recommend you don't run this)
(Note: Original made for PICO-1K Jam)
This is Conway's Game of life (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life) in under 400 characters (and here is the proof):
g={}for y=0,128 do g[y]={} for x=0,128 do if((flr(rnd(2))+1)==1)g[y][x]=true else g[y][x]=false end end ::★:: cls() ng={} for y=0,128 do ng[y]={} for x=0,128 do nc=0 for dy=-1,1 do for dx=-1,1 do if not (dy==0and dx==0)and g[y+dy]and g[y+dy][x+dx] then nc+=1 end end end ng[y][x]=nc==3or(g[y][x]and nc==2) if(g[y][x])pset(x,y,7) end end g=ng flip() goto ★ |

Good LIFE program, @outcastinteractive. And yeah, it's times like this, @zep, I wish there was an obscure POKE you could access that would let you run your code flat out.
- vv=0 (default)
- vv=1-100, 1=slowest, 100=use entire CPU to speed up the execution to run at 30fps or 60fps no matter what other code is around it.
Here I optimized it with no black page-flipping and a bit smaller at 324-chars instead of 357-chars above.
I think this can still be optimized further. Takers ?

ok, I did bite:
p={[3]=1,[12]=1,[13]=1}r=8192f=r*3pal(1,7,1)for t=f,r*4-1do poke(t,rnd(256)&17)end::_::for w=0,16383do x,y=w>>7,w&127c=9*pget(x,y)for k=0,8 do c+=pget(x+k%3-1,y+k/3-1)end sset(x,y,p[c])end memcpy(f,0,r)goto _ |
208 chars
I've used the screen buffer as a source and the sprite sheet as destination, cell presence coded as color 0/1
each gen takes ~25 frames, sprite sheet used as a back buffer memcpied in one go, so no flip() nor holdframe() needed
hadn't done a tweetcart in a while, fun stuff! thanks guys :)

@ultrabrite Nice! Sorry if this wasn't very optimize, this was my first time trying to compress code.

NP, @outcastinteractive. That's the thing - when I first arrived in the Pico-8 scene and started to write code, I had a whole bunch of people show me how I could improve my coding. Many I followed, in some I kept my old ways.
It's all up to you. :)

@ultrabrite ,can give me tips/resources on how to condense code? Compressing code, data, and manipulating Pico-8's memory are not my strong suites.

Sorry I intended to post some more explanation but got sidetracked
Here we go:
p={[3]=1,[12]=1,[13]=1} -- from count to color, more on this below -- shortcuts, r and f are used twice: r=8192 -- "r=8192"+"r"+"r" -> 8 chars instead of "8192"+"8192" -> 8 chars too. no gain... f=r*3 -- but!, "f=r*3"+"f"+"f" -> 7 chars instead of "24576"+"24576" -> 10 chars -- overall, 3 chars less -- color 1 (dark blue) will end up 7 (white) (on screen only, still 1 in mem): pal(1,7,1) -- init screen buffer with random fill, as bytes (0x00,0x01,0x10,0x11) for t=f,r*4-1do poke(t,rnd(32)&17)end ::_:: -- loop on all screen pixels for w=0,16383do x=w>>7y=w&127 -- current cell at (x,y) c=9*pget(x,y) -- init count with current cell 0/1 * (10 - 1) -- add up nine cells around (cell presence -> +1 else +0) for k=0,8do c+=pget(x+k%3-1,y+k/3-1) end -- here we have the 8 neighbors cell count (sum from 9 cells, minus the center one), -- plus 10 times the center one -- c = (center cell presence)*10+(#neightbors). 03,12,13 => cell is alive -- set sprite sheet pixel according to lookup table p: -- 03,12,13 -> 1, other values -> nil (meaning 0 for sset) sset(x,y,p[c]) end memcpy(f,0,r) -- copy whole sprite sheet to screen buffer goto _ -- next gen |
^ shaved 3 chars while writing this, quite sure there's more ;)
I don't have an actual list of tricks and I'm not the best around at it but, off the top of my head:
- check unecessary spaces (I missed one above)
rework parts in a line underneath:
for x=0,127do for y=0,127do ... end end for w=0,16383do x=w>>7y=w&127 ... end <- 2chars! pget() ... pget() p=pget p() ... p() <- might not be worth it pget() ... pget() ... pget() p=pget p() ... p() ... p() <- most likely worth it
- rework other people tweetcarts with proper indentation. the math is often undecipherable, but you might find a new trick here or there
also check out ye olde tweetjam thread that started it all (most of it at 140chars):
https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?page=8&tid=3726 - find your own pace and don't forget to have fun ;)
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