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Made for Jame Gam Christmas Edition - 2021

This is my first, complete game!!

Cart #rgugotufo-1 | 2021-12-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I would've like to have done music but ran out of time. I joined with only 2 days to go and it was a mad dash to finish. I can think of many things that I can do better next time (the code is really wonky. What a great learning experience! I welcome all comments and criticisms!

Thanks for playing!


Shows promise! A couple of suggestions:

  • Make the projectiles bigger so you can tell them from the snow (color isn't quite enough and they're fast.) The enemy shots could be bigger and just have a smaller hitbox, but the player ones would want the hitbox to match the projectile size.
  • Limit duck time so you can't just hold cover
  • Regenerate snowballs somehow rather than just getting 'stuck' -- maybe some kind of risk/reward system (e.g. catch snowballs coming at you if you hit 'duck' just at the moment they strike?

These are great! Thanks for your feedback. I’ll work on implementing them into a future update. I like the idea of catching snowballs to regenerate them too.

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