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My first Pico-8 game :)
Feedback welcome

Get the Clams and put them in the hut
3 different characters with different abilities

If you get lots of Clams in one go, you get bonus points!
But beware, as this will make you slow.

Cart #ratewuyuki-4 | 2022-12-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



This is a fun game! I like how each character has a unique ability. Probably my favorite is the jumping witch :) I also like how there's a "day cycle", and how the waves get more dangerous (i.e. faster) the later it gets. I also think it's clever that the character gets slower the more clams they collect without returning to the base.


What a marvelous little game, @crablion !

You might add a difficulty where the waves don't just move from left to right but also diagonally.

Also I don't know how it would appear if the waves were transparent. That is the BLUE part of the wave you could see through. Would this look better ?

Great mechanics here. From the scaling of the clams I could definitely see this being an Atari 2600 game. :)

Simply superb. Gold star.

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