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Cart #raincatcher2-0 | 2023-05-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

rainccatcher 2 (still work in progress)

I am not sure if I should finish this game.
If feel like the code is rather messy and as a result I needed to take a step back.
At this moment I don't feel like coming back to it, but I might in the future.

I do like how the art turned out. That is the main reason I put it here (although the animations are still very buggy).

For anyone playing, the guy on the right will take the pot when the plant is grown. You can then go and grab a new pot from the guy on the left.
the idea was to grow as many plants as the time allows, but that hasn't been implemented yet.
It also still needs some kind of extra chalenge like something you need to avoid. Right now not much is happening.

Cart #raincatcher-0 | 2023-04-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


When it rains on the desert every drop counts.
Catch raindrops to grow plants.

This is not a fully functional game yet, though catching drops and running around already work.

Stuff to finish before release

  • Particles when you catch a raindrop or if it falls on the ground.
  • Start and end screen.
  • The possibility to grow multiple plants in a row and display grown plants at the bottom of the screen.
  • If you can grow a new plant, you need to get a new pot from somewhere
  • A way to end the game (the weather clearing or something)
  • A way to put on display plants you allready grew.
  • Although this game is starting to have a decent visual style, the background is still unfinished.
  • A decent scoring system

Current struggles

  • getting the damn particles working

feedback and technical support is always welcome.

This game is very similar to one I already made, which makes it a good environment to test things I haven't done before without getting overwhelmed, like my first proper running animation and some extra game mechanics.
I also wanted a more general theme so the game isn't stuck to any particular holiday.

For reference: Easterrun

Cart #easterrun3-0 | 2023-04-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


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