I was practicing extreme optimization and came up with this cart
There's not a lot to see here but what matters is that it works

Edit:The original took up 182 characters, this new version takes up only 176 characters
Edit2:Thanks to @p01, the new version takes up 133 characters. Unfortunately, not all the techniques
could be implemented without problems as racer 5 was the only one that could win in your code
Edit3:I was able to make the cart smaller by 3 characters which is not that bad

Fun challenge to squeeze a 5 CPU race.
Using p8scii to wait 1 frame and clear the screen, a simpler array, and abusing the \
integer divisions to get the speed increment and winner index w
, we can squeeze quite a few bytes.
-- 126 chars \:D/ p={0,0,0,0,0}::_::?"⁶1⁶c1" for i=1,5do?"😐",p[i],i*8,10 w=p[i]\128*i p[i]+=rnd(2)\1end if(w<1)goto _ ?"racer "..w.." won",64,64 |

Really quite epic, both of you guys, @LazarevGaming and @p01. If it's possible to pause at the beginning the player until 🅾️ or ❎ is pressed, can then decide which "horse" will win the race.
Gold star material all the way !

Oh! Yes of course, @LazarevGaming, I was re-assigning w
all the time so of course only the 5th player could "win"

Here's my version, it's slightly simplified visually, but any racer can win and it's just 100 characters (or 99 if you're willing to go with a black background =).
::_::?"⁶1⁶c1" for i=1,5do?"😐",@i,i*9 if(@i>120)ˇ=i poke(i,@i+rnd(2))end if(ˇ<1)goto _ ?ˇ.." won",9,9 |

That's a very clever use of POKE and PEEK, @JadeLombax. Single character for peek. Now we need a single character for POKE.
You know it wouldn't hurt Pico-8 to have some kind of stack that is accessible in PRINT and P8SCII, similar to as you have done here.
Here are special commands available for CHR(6):
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