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Cart #quantum_maze-5 | 2024-11-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Quantum Maze is a sokoban style puzzle game involving quantum entanglement. Boxes of the same color are quantum entangled, which means their movements mirror each other.
Activate all green buttons to proceed to the next level, and activate blue buttons to open and close gates.


Arrow keys - Move
X - Undo
C - Select
X + C - Retry level
Enter - Pause


Programming, art, & levels

  • mostlydaniel

Art & levels

  • ooooggll


  • ooooggll
  • ggggpplo
  • rrrrbblo
  • Soggmugg
  • Chef
  • Lil Penguin
  • Harrison Wride
  • Kenyo
  • Williamist


  • Lab Cat
  • Baba is You


  • V1: initial release
  • V2: fixed an issue with save files
  • V3: fixed a bug with saving playtime
  • V4: fixed level 32 not showing as completed
  • V5: changed credits to my new username

I like this game; I've always had a little nag for puzzle games, and this is no exception! I like the little guy too, he's cool

This is great, thank you for sharing!

Nice game!

Excellent puzzles. And I really like the music - it fits the game very well.


@a guy I'll post a walkthrough of the whole game eventually but for now here's a video of how to do level 6

yeah my friend got it 2 seconds ago lol thanks for helping tho


Nice one. The going back to exit after goal completion is reminiscent of lab cat, but otherwise, it's a fun sokoban-like with a twist of its own.
Level select and level skip were very welcome. Still have to go back to level 23 and 27 that I haven't solved yet.
Despite finishing the last level number 32, it's still marked as dark blue unsolved, so a minor bug there.

I could make a puzzlescript from this game, as I did recently with
Go figure

If I do, I'd like to know if you'd rather me posting a link to it in this thread, or keep it offline just for myself.

@RealShadowCaster Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it. One of my friends is already planning on making a puzzlescript recreation of this, but if that doesn't bother you then I don't mind you posting a link to it here.

nice one

Made a puzzlescript from your game
You can skip current level by going on the player's target tile and press X (action).
Don't hesitate to tell me if you want me to change the credits for example.

@RealShadowCaster I wasn't quite expecting you to make it so fast, this is pretty impressive. I did find two bugs on level 25 and 28, they both had reversed gates when they're supposed to be regular gates. (I suppose both of those aren't really bugs, rather they're issues when copying the levels)
P.S. I just barely changed my username from ddddpplo to mostlydaniel as it's what I go by on most sites. You don't have to change the credits of your puzzlescript since it links back to my game but if you did that would be nice.

@mostlydaniel, Thanks for telling me. I was pretty surprised two levels had transcription errors as the map data was extracted programmatically (perl and regular expression). The problem was a false assumption on my part : when checking the levels in puzzlescript, I compared them to the map view in pico-8 map editor. For levels 25 and 29, the blue floor is occupied, and the gates are reversed a level startup, when my assumption was that the map visual representation was identical to the game at level startup.
I'll fix that and the credits when I get home.

Here's the new PuzzleScript :


Changed the credits from ddddpplo to mostlydaniel and the 5 (now 4) lines of code related to gates so the gate symbols are properly treated as normal gate and reverse gate, instead of the previously wrong interpretation of closed gate and open gate. Also edited the link in the previous post.

I could have gone the easy route of manually changing the tiles in levels 25 and 28, but I'd rather have the code work in every case, should you ever make more levels.

I completed all the levels. What a wonderful puzzle game. Some real head-scratchers! The difficulty ramps up smoothly so I never felt the need to skip a level. I really like how the puzzles combine the simple game mechanics in increasingly complicated ways – the "train" mechanic is very clever.

I'm not done with the game yet, but wanted to swing by to say how awesome it is! Really creative and challenging puzzles. Thanks!

This is such a good puzzle game, I've spent the last week playing it in my free time when I'm bored and with my phone.
The system of linked boxes is so simple yet makes such amazing puzzles, great mechanic.
I beat all the puzzles except for one, shifting caboose two. I'm probably missing some new way of looking at things or something, but I spent I think a total of 30ish minutes on that single one and couldn't figure it out.

i feel dumb for the fact that everyone is getting to like level 30 or 25 or whatever while im stuck on 14 lul

Excellent puzzles, @mostlydaniel! I'm really enjoying them.

Got to the same place as @Munchkin -- finished all the puzzles except Shifting Caboose 2 (#24).

If anyone knows how to finish it, I'd very much appreciate a hint. Here's what I know so far:

I'm pretty sure I need to get the bottom yellow block on board the red train to the right of the grey block. But I can't seem to move the yellow blocks without losing access to the bottom room.

@mabbees You're on the right track (no train pun intended). Here's a small hint that may help:

You can move the bottom yellow box not just onto the train but down into the bottom room, so that you still have access to that room.

Oooh, very helpful hint. That got me unstuck!

I'm a goober in this game :)

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