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Puzzle Duck

Cart #puzzle_duck-0 | 2023-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A simple Puzzle Bobble / Bust-a-Move - Clone.

from URL Wikipedia:
Puzzle Bobble,[b] internationally known as Bust-A-Move, is a 1994 tile-matching puzzle arcade game developed and published by Taito.

At the start of each round, the rectangular playing arena contains a prearranged pattern of colored "bubbles". At the bottom of the screen, the player controls a device called a "pointer", which aims and fires bubbles up the screen. The color of bubbles fired is randomly generated and chosen from the colors of bubbles still left on the screen.

The objective of the game is to clear all the bubbles from the arena without any bubble crossing the bottom line. Bubbles will fire automatically if the player remains idle. After clearing the arena, the next round begins with a new pattern of bubbles to clear. [...] The fired bubbles travel in straight lines (possibly bouncing off the sidewalls of the arena), stopping when they touch other bubbles or reach the top of the arena. If a bubble touches identically-colored bubbles, forming a group of three or more, those bubbles—as well as any bubbles hanging from them—are removed from the field of play, and points are awarded. After every few shots, the "ceiling" of the playing arena drops downwards slightly, along with all the bubbles stuck to it. The number of shots between each drop of the ceiling is influenced by the number of bubble colors remaining. [...] If they cross the line at the bottom then the game is over.

Special bubbles


When you shoot on a fire bubble, it exploded.


When a bubble hit the water bubble, all bubble below it will be recoloured to the colour of the hitting bubble.


Destroy all bubbles left or right from hit.


Remove all bubbles with the same colour of the hitting bubble.

Game modes


Single player game, simple clear all 99 levels.


Play against a cpu all 99 levels. At the beginning the cpu is very slow and stupid, but will increase in the higher levels.
You can send bubbles to the cpu field, when you drop bubbles from your field.

VS Human

Two player game. Every player has three lives. When you win a round, you steal a live from your opponent.


There is an inbuilt level editor, to run it, load the cartridge and type

run "edit"

With left/right choose your level, left click will place a bubble, right click will remove it. To store the level, hit the S-Key or click on the save button. Don't forget to save the Cartridge (ctrl+s) otherwise your work will lost.

Feel free to publish your own level pack!


Download for native windows, mac, linux and raspi version can be found here: https://gpi.itch.io/puzzle-duck


Puzzle Bobble Main Theme
Composition by ‎Kazuko Umino and Yasuko Yamada

Pico-8-Version based on the version from Thomas Alberg


This is excellent. I've never really played a Bust-A-Move-style game before but now I see the appeal. It's so satisfying getting a really hard aimed shot to bounce off the side. The presentation is excellent and I love the music--I appreciate the volume controls on the pause menu too, lots of Pico-8 games have really loud music. I started with the Puzzle mode, but the CPU mode is so much fun :)


Thanks :)

Most of the clones do a "click where the bubble should be placed"-System and personal think, that this destroy the feeling of a good Puzzle Bobble clone. The Aiming is the most "fun"-part of the game.

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