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Oops, the last Patch didn't fix anything ("save @clip" seems to work a little different...). Now THIS Patch does what the previous Patch describes^^.
"Slap" ("Ohrfeige") was mistakenly described as a Weapon that doesn't deal Damage. Fixed.
Forgot ":" after "Wurstchain"/"Wurstkette", which looks odd after finishing the Game ("Wurstchain1"). Fixed.
Somehow I didn't realised that the "Push"-Attack ("Stoß") is actually a ranged attack (though even the Original Text says that. Oops!). The German Description in the first Version doesn't tell you that, this Version does^^.
First release.
What and how did I changed on the code?
I have to make spaces for more Tokens, because the Original-Game has only 22 tokens left. Luckily, zep released a PICO8-Version that includes the "split"-command. Krystman used two Functions called "explode" and "explodeval" who does the same, so I replaced every "explode" with "split" and deleted these two Functions. After that, ~100 Tokens were here to use.
After that, there still wasn't enough tokens left for me, so I removed every "()" that weren't needed (like, split("XYZ") --> split"XYZ".
I want to use "german umlauts" (äöüß) on the Game, so I used the new ability to change the Fonts in PICO8. zep made a Cart for it:
I also slightly modified the UI on the Game to have spaces for the translated words. German translations need more place^^.
There's a place in the Code where I used a "mid"-command, to prevent showed text Off-Screen.
An obvious one: Every word was put in a table, and every "print"-command uses the table. Easy^^.
There are a few Codes that are written like this in the Original Game:
add (x, y)
return y
I had to change it on one or two places in the code ("return add..."), to squeeze a few more tokens out of the File.
I really hope that I didn't write a few bugs on accident. I played this changed Cartridge a few times and never found a bug. (But I never reached the end, because I'm too bad in this Game^^).