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Cart #picocalendar-2 | 2024-06-02 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

PicoCalendar (work in progress)

This is PicoCalendar - a minimalistic calendar with annotation features. Just click a date and let your thoughts flow!

You can try it with load #picocalendar. Enjoy!

> At time of writing, day numbers are off and text editing doesn't work in the web version :(

Technical thoughts

  • This app creates a .txt file for each clicked date, and then opens the default text editor with open.lua
  • To make footprint smaller, I should clean empty files at some point...
  • Working with dates is way harder than I thought. Code is not clean and sometimes awkward. I feel it would have been easier with os.time to work with numeric timestamps rather than with strings.



  • Hardcode colors instead of using current theme (more predictable aspect)


  • Fix crash in web player


  • Initial release

I like this.
By the way, if you change to a self-made theme, the characters on the calendar and marks indicating that text has been entered may disappear.
I think it's okay to set the app's own colors without using the theme's colors.


Thank you for the feedback @sugarflower!
In 0.1.2, I've hardcoded the colors as constants so it should be easy to customize :)


Thanks for responding. Sounds good!


Fun fact: roughly 55% of the world's population start their week on a Sunday, 44% on a Monday. 1% on a Saturday.


I live in France where weeks start on Monday. I had no idea that the gap was so small between Monday and Sunday as the start of week. And never heard about Saturday !

I've already planned to add a setting for Monday or Sunday, but I might add an option for Saturday based on your insights @bambus :)

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