Black Dawn - The Pico8 Experiment
Black Dawn: Rebirth brings the popular Amiga dungeon crawler RPG series into the 21st Century.
It is both the ideal entry point into the Black Dawn universe for a new generation of players, and an opportunity for fans of the series to continue their adventure. It has better graphics and sound than ever before, and includes more levels, more monsters and more puzzles than any other Black Dawn game. Are you ready for the challenge?
Star date: 2621 The TFS Sentinel is en route to Base DS97 to investigate a communications blackout. Star system: Thalax Planet: Thalax 9 Ensign Bren is dispatched to investigate the base. Bren takes his scout ship into orbit around the planet, a routine mission. Planetfall is uneventful. From the outside, the base seems operational and undamaged, yet, something does not feel right. Bren dons his life support system and depressurises the cockpit. The canopy whirrs open, revealing a thin and clear atmosphere. The entrance yields to the ensign’s authorisation code. As he descends into the lower levels, a bad feeling creeps upon him.
A Zsoft Game 2025
Controls - Cursor keys Z - Magic Attack X - Melee/action
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