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Cart #pajanebunu-0 | 2019-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My very first cart

The original code is from Game Developement with Pico 8 zine - pg 52, 53. I am not smart enough to create this from scratch, just tweeked it a bit.

If I can figure out how to update a cart I'll add controllers eventually.

This experience makes me really thankful for HTML and everything else I dont have to write from scratch.

To do

  • color selector
  • controllers
  • randomize button
  • cursor
  • tiles?
  • with collistions?????????

Some nice particles. You might add to it showing the number of active particles at any time. LEFT and RIGHT to control how many particles, and UP and DOWN to control the frequency of their appearance.

Thanks @dw817! That's a really good idea. I definitelly want to add more controllers. That sounds like a good start.

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