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A MS-DOS inspired command line VM.

Check date and time,
View files,
Make new files,
Delete files,
Recycle bin so you don't accidentally lose your files,
Explore the virtual web, which may or may not delete all your files,
Make a custom website,
And a secret function which isn't documented.

There sadly isn't support for folders yet.
I tried to maintain the usual names, but I didn't want to mess around, changing built-in functions.
Remember h() for help!

V. 1.2:

Added customweb()

Cart #p8dosv1_2-0 | 2022-11-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

V. 1.1:

Cart #p8dos-1 | 2022-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Note: When exploring the web, maybe protect your ears.
I am terribly sorry if the sounds cause some problems.
Also, don't store important data in the VM, because it may get deleted.
And as usual, you need to use the p8 terminal.

I'm typing H() online and not getting anywhere, @Guest122.

@dw817 that is because you need to use the p8 terminal, as you are calling functions, and those will allow you to interact with the machine. I didn't implement a user input function.

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