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Cart #only_three_wizards-0 | 2024-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This game was made for the Minigame A Month May 2024 for theme WIZARDS!

Move around on the field to avoid the relentless attacks of the mages.

⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️ - Move around on the board.

❎: X - Activates Currently held Item.

🅾️: C or Y/Z - Switch your current color.

Stand on appearing attack spots with the right color to hurt the mage of that color.

Sands of Time: Freezes time for the world. You are allowed to move, but nothing else.
Chromatic Star: Allowes you to become invulnerable, and hurt any mage while stepping on attack spots.


Each wizards has a unique logic behind their patterns as three distinc phases with them. Figure out who does what an plan ahead!

Brought to you by:

My awesome supporters over at Ko-fi! They allow me to pursue this niche hobby of mine! I'm making a game a month this year, so if you enjoy any of them, consider supporting me with a price of a coffee!

Thank you Csöndi, Nerdy Teachers and Fletch for allowing me to keep up this hobby!


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