One Last Swing
This project is my entry for the Samurai Game Jam 2024 with subtheme: Luck! 🍀
Patrolling the border you get a message about enemy groups flooding your territory. Now it is up to you to make it back home and ensure the safety of your family!

Use X to unsheathe your sword before the clash. If you do not have it out, you will automatically lose. Use ⬇️⬆️ to move your sword between the 3 stances of: High, Mid and Low.
The enemy will attack after a certain time has elapsed, just after they step back! Take that moment to adjust your stance to achieve victory!
Beat 10 levels to make it back home, and if you feel like it, push your luck further into the endless challenge.
One Last Swing is a Rock-Paper-Scissor like dueling game, where you need to choose the correct stand to overcome your opponents, to regain your honor and to make it back home.
High stance beats middle, middle stance beats low and low stance beats high!
High > Mid > Low > High

Each opponent is part of an enemy unit, marked by their flags and clothing colors. Enemy units are trained the same, so use your experience to determine how they are gonna swing.
The game also takes inspiration from Punch Out, so keep your eyes peeled for clues that help you figure out things faster!
Ko-fi Articles:
If you are interested in the development process, I have several articles outlining code examples and thought processes used in the game!
The game development was also streamed, so you can jump into VODs if that is to your liking!
If you like this work, feel free to browse around my page and maybe check out my Ko-fi page, where you can support me with a price of a coffee, to be able to fuel my coding habits and gain more retro games!
Big thanks to Csöndi for supporting my work over at Ko-fi

The setting reminds me of Samurai Kirby from Kirby's Superstar, but with a cool RPS twist.
I like the expression you added with the banners, hair, and being able to move your samurai left and right. And the gameplay loop was quick and streamlined once I understood the stances and how unsheathing works.
After the three tutorial sessions, it was not apparent I had to hold X to keep my sword unsheathed. Until I realized that, I was confused why I lost some duels despite having the right stance.
There is a small typo in the controls graphic on your post ("unseathe" instead of "unsheathe").
Thank you for sharing, I had fun!

@Hell_Cat It should always skip if you have already completed the tutorial (and won a match after, it saves score and checks that), but added a skip button that probably should start a whole new fight. Was just quick tested, so do let me know if you encounter any bugs!
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