Here is a series of functions that are designed to be easily inserted into any project!
Each should be well commented and has a working example. comment if you have any questions!
add a mouse function quickly!
move towards a target with a normalized speed (diagonals are not faster!)
updated gpio library for (significantly) less tokens. now available for commercial use.
enter the pin (0 to 127) and return the hex (0x5f80 to 0x5fff) with get and set functions
old version included for posterity
covers rect collisions and map flags; circ collisions are in lookatlib
grid based path finding using A*
credit to and Pico8 Fanzine #4!
here are the examples:
With the exception of A*, the CC4-BY-NC-SA license only applies to examples and assets. The functions are all licensed CC4-BY. Please credit back to this blog post and not just my name so more people can use and learn from them.
The pathfinder function is a derivative of the example by richy486
please contact them if you wish to use the pathfinding function commercially.
--mouse library --andy c mouse = { init = function() poke(0x5f2d, 1) --activate devkit end, state = function() return stat(32),stat(33),stat(34) end, curs = function() spr(0,stat(32),stat(33)) end } function _init() mouse.init() c = {x=0,y=0,b=0} end function _update60() c.x,c.y,c.b = mouse.state() end function _draw() cls() print(c.x..", "..c.y..", "..c.b) mouse.curs() end |
--gpio library 2.0 --andy c function tohex(pin) pin += 24448 return sub(tostr(pin,true),1,6) end gpio = { --[[ the pins are the 128 values between 0x5f80..0x5fff, the pin values g0 from 0 to 127 value may be 0..255 to access the pins in javascript: var pico8_gpio = new array(128); --]] get = function(pin) address = tohex(pin) return peek(address),address end, set = function(pin,value) address = tohex(pin) poke(address,value) end } --example of use function _init() gpio.set(16,255) x,y = gpio.get(16) end function _update60() end function _draw() cls() print(x..", "..y) end |
the GPIO library has been updated to save tokens and make the library safe for commercial use.
gpiolib1.0 is included in spoilers
--lookat library --andy c function atan(x1, y1, x2, y2) --finds the angle between x & y local x = x2 - x1 local y = y2 - y1 return atan2(x, y) end function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return sqrt((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2) end function lookat(x1,y1,x2,y2) --steps x toward y local x = cos(atan(x1,y1,x2,y2)) local y = sin(atan(x1,y1,x2,y2)) return x,y end --example function _init() obj = {x=63,y=63} trgt = {x=rnd(127),y=rnd(127)} end function _update60() vx,vy = lookat(obj.x,obj.y,trgt.x,trgt.y) obj.x += vx obj.y += vy if abs(distance(obj.x,obj.y,trgt.x,trgt.y)) <= 1 then run() end end function _draw() cls() spr(1,obj.x,obj.y) spr(2,trgt.x,trgt.y) end |
controls: x or o - refresh; arrow keys - move little dude
--collision library --andy c function collision(r1x,r1y,r1w,r1h,r2x,r2y,r2w,r2h) --rectangular collisions if ((r1x < r2x + r2w) and (r1x + r1w > r2x) and (r1y < r2y + r2h) and (r1y + r1h > r2y)) then return true else return false end end --[[ for circular collisions use: {where c is circle and r is radius} if distance(c1x,c1y,c2x,c2y) <= 1/2 * (c1r + c2r) then return true end distance can be found in my lookat library --]] function map_collision(r1x,r1y,r1w,r1h,flag) check = false for i=0,15,1 do for j=0,15,1 do if collision(r1x,r1y,r1w,r1h,i*8,j*8,8,8) and fget(mget(i,j),flag) then check = true end end end return check end --example function _init() r1 = {x=rnd(97), y=rnd(33)} r2 = {x=rnd(97), y=rnd(33)} p = {x=0, y=72} end function _update60() if btnp(❎) or btnp(🅾️) then run() end if btn(➡️) then if p.x < 120 then p.x += 1 end end if btn(⬅️) then if p.x > 0 then p.x -= 1 end end if btn(⬇️) then if p.y < 120 then p.y += 1 end end if btn(⬆️) then if p.y > 63 then p.y -= 1 end end end function _draw() cls() rect(r1.x,r1.y,r1.x+30,r1.y+30,8) rect(r2.x,r2.y,r2.x+30,r2.y+30,12) map(0,0,0,0,16,16) spr(1,p.x,p.y) print(collision(r1.x,r1.y,30,30,r2.x,r2.y,30,30),0,0,7) print(map_collision(p.x,p.y,8,8,0),0,64) end |
--a* library --andy c function pathfind(sx,sy,gx,gy) --thanks to picozine 4 showpath = false showsearched = false start = {sx,sy} goal = {gx,gy} frontier = {} insert(frontier, start, 0) came_from = {} came_from[vectoindex(start)] = nil cost_so_far = {} cost_so_far[vectoindex(start)] = 0 while (#frontier > 0 and #frontier < 1000) do current = popEnd(frontier) if vectoindex(current) == vectoindex(goal) then break end local neighbours = getNeighbours(current) for next in all(neighbours) do local nextIndex = vectoindex(next) local new_cost = cost_so_far[vectoindex(current)] + 1 -- add extra costs here if (cost_so_far[nextIndex] == nil) or (new_cost < cost_so_far[nextIndex]) then cost_so_far[nextIndex] = new_cost local priority = new_cost + heuristic(goal, next) insert(frontier, next, priority) came_from[nextIndex] = current if (nextIndex != vectoindex(start)) and (nextIndex != vectoindex(goal)) then if showsearched then mset(next[1],next[2],19) end end end end end current = came_from[vectoindex(goal)] path = {} local cindex = vectoindex(current) local sindex = vectoindex(start) while cindex != sindex do add(path, current) current = came_from[cindex] cindex = vectoindex(current) end reverse(path) for point in all(path) do if showpath then mset(point[1],point[2],18) end end reverse(path) for point in all(path) do targetx = point[1] targety = point[2] end end -- manhattan distance on a square grid function heuristic(a, b) return abs(a[1] - b[1]) + abs(a[2] - b[2]) end -- find all existing neighbours of a position that are not walls function getNeighbours(pos) local neighbours={} local x = pos[1] local y = pos[2] if x > 0 and (mget(x-1,y) and not fget(mget(x-1,y),0)) then add(neighbours,{x-1,y}) end if x < 15 and (mget(x+1,y) and not fget(mget(x+1,y),0)) then add(neighbours,{x+1,y}) end if y > 0 and (mget(x,y-1) and not fget(mget(x,y-1),0)) then add(neighbours,{x,y-1}) end if y < 15 and (mget(x,y+1) and not fget(mget(x,y+1),0)) then add(neighbours,{x,y+1}) end ---[[ for making diagonals if (x+y) % 2 == 0 then reverse(neighbours) end--]] return neighbours end -- find the first location of a specific tile type function getSpecialTile(tileid) for x=0,15 do for y=0,15 do local tile = mget(x,y) if tile == tileid then return {x,y} end end end end -- insert into start of table function insert(t, val) for i=(#t+1),2,-1 do t[i] = t[i-1] end t[1] = val end -- insert into table and sort by priority function insert(t, val, p) if #t >= 1 then add(t, {}) for i=(#t),2,-1 do local next = t[i-1] if p < next[2] then t[i] = {val, p} return else t[i] = next end end t[1] = {val, p} else add(t, {val, p}) end end -- pop the last element off a table function popEnd(t) local top = t[#t] del(t,t[#t]) return top[1] end function reverse(t) for i=1,(#t/2) do local temp = t[i] local oppindex = #t-(i-1) t[i] = t[oppindex] t[oppindex] = temp end end -- translate a 2d x,y coordinate to a 1d index and back again function vectoindex(vec) return maptoindex(vec[1],vec[2]) end function maptoindex(x, y) return ((x+1) * 16) + y end function indextomap(index) local x = (index-1)/16 local y = index - (x*w) return {x,y} end function atan(x1, y1, x2, y2) --finds the angle between x & y local x = x2 - x1 local y = y2 - y1 return atan2(x, y) end function distance(x1, y1, x2, y2) return sqrt((x2 - x1) ^ 2 + (y2 - y1) ^ 2) end function lookat(x1,y1,x2,y2) --steps x toward y local x = cos(atan(x1,y1,x2,y2)) local y = sin(atan(x1,y1,x2,y2)) return x,y end --example function _init() box = {x=1,y=1} coin = {x=rnd(13)+1,y=14} target = {x=0,y=0} step = 0 end function _update60() pathfind(flr(box.x),flr(box.y),flr(coin.x),flr(coin.y)) vx,vy = lookat(box.x,box.y,targetx,targety) if step >= 1 then box.x += vx box.y += vy step = 0 end step += .05 if distance(flr(box.x),flr(box.y),flr(coin.x),flr(coin.y)) <= 1 then run() end end function _draw() cls() spr(17,box.x*8,box.y*8) spr(16,coin.x*8,coin.y*8) mapdraw(0,0,0,0,16,16) end |
Yo, so you can make some token and efficiency improvements to the collision library:
--collision library --andy c function collision(r1x,r1y,r1w,r1h,r2x,r2y,r2w,r2h) --rectangular collisions return r1x < r2x + r2w and r1x + r1w > r2x and r1y < r2y + r2h and r1y + r1h > r2y end |
For map collision, you can actually go much further:
function map_collision(r1x,r1y,r1w,r1h,flag) for x = max(0,r1x\8), min(15,(r1x+r1w-0x0.0001)\8) do for y = max(0,r1y\8), min(15,(r1y+r1h-0x0.0001)\8) do if (fget(mget(x,y),flag)) return true end end end |
You can calculate the map coordinates that a rectangle covers using integer division by 8 (the \ operator), which will save a very significant number of cycles in the long run, especially when dealing with many checks. We also don't even need the rectangle collision function this way.
Lua numeric for evaluates the expressions only once (unlike other languages), so we can inline this integer division with the clamping for extra token and cycle efficiency. The clamps here are based on the same 16x16 map size you targetted but could be easily adjusted to make them parameters.
We can also return true directly within the for loop, which will save cycles if a collision is detected. I've used Pico8's shorthand if form too to save 1 token. I've also omitted any explicit return false since it adds cycles and tokens; this version returns nil which is falsy anyway.
The last quirk is the -0x0.0001, which is a correction for sub-pixel-perfect collision: a rect with x=0,w=8 would evaluate as covering the map tiles from x=0 and x=1, when what we probably want is for it to only cover x=0. Thanks to the brilliant and amazing decision to use 16.16-bit fixed-point numbers, we can easily correct by subtracting 0x0.0001, the smallest possible value. This means that any x that is even a hair larger than x=0 will cover both map x=0 and x=1 correctly.
I actually wrote my platformer logic for Find Gold to be sub-pixel-perfect for both collision and rendering and I've been meaning to get around to cutting it out and making it available as a snippet, but I wanted to make it more complete as a platformer library. It's collision mechanism is also more advanced, as it does sweep tests to calculate how far an entity can move along the given direction, although they are not full vector sweep tests and treat the axes independently (I believe I did horizontal first in order to give the player leeway on landing jumps).
@Ender42, I am looking at your mouse program. It shouldn't be that complex I think ...
Without comments it's quite a bit smaller.
function _init() poke(0x5f2d,1) end function _update() cls() x,y=stat(32),stat(33) spr(1,x,y) end |
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