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Cart #moonminer-0 | 2020-08-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Arrows - Move
X - Use current tool/weapon
Z - Switch current tool/weapon

Find the crystal and then get back to the mine entrance! Your gun uses ammo from ore in the ground, so be sure to keep digging. Watch out for baddies.

Finally finished this. As a game, it's kind of majorly flawed, but I'm proud of the tech behind it. The map is theoretically infinite, the level generation is pretty natural and fun, and there's a demo mode on the title screen with demo data encoded into unused map data.



Such nice start screen! And good game feel! :) I was somewhat confused what a crystal was, I had no idea what to look for and how many.

Oh, good point. I could have probably solved that by just putting a floating crystal on the title screen or something. Thanks for playing/the feedback!


love how the ammo bar becomes a stack of bars

:) thanks, I forgot why I even decided to do that, but it's fun, right? :D


Nice game... end sequence is a bit slow with the text going out by lines and ll, but the game is fun. Well Done!

Thank you!


yes very good

yes thank you thank you

Once I figured out what I was doing I managed to snag 3 crystals before dying.

Good job on this one. Good cave generation, good game loop, good risk/reward.

I do wish I could aim a little more so I didn't have to put myself in harms way every time I want to shoot an enemy. Being able to shoot up or down would help. But besides that, top notch game. I like this one.


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