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Cart #mazidubara-0 | 2020-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is the first game I made since I had a TRS-80 long ago!

It's another version of Pong. I was trying to learn PICO-8 and needed a project so I made Pong as if it were made in the 1980s on something like a Nintendo. I'm sure its mechanics are different than real Pong, but I haven't played that since I had a real Atari with paddle controllers. This is from memory and it fixes a few things I remember not liking about Pong.

I tried to make the A.I. work differently that just tracking the ball's location with some constraints to give the player a chance. Instead it predicts the future location at a couple places like a human would. As the player starts to win, the A.I. improves. That way it shouldn't be too hard to get a few points in, but winning gets a little harder. Play ends at 11. The paddles have some physics and bounce off the walls a little.

Not award-winning, but a fun project. I enjoyed watching my daughter play!


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