(v01 11-07-22)
TO LOAD THIS PICO-8 CART, in immediate mode, type:
load #mazechallenge
VVhat's new? (11-07-22)
- Fixed blocks so no part of map is missed now. (Please confirm this !)
- Pressing ❎ now has 3-modes. 1, 2, and 3.
- Made maze darker so it is easier to see the player.
- 3rd mode after fill now shows path as darker color of the blocks.
- Greatly sped up fill routine.
- Added notice on end on how to restart.
- Shrank code size slightly.
Hello there.
This is really more of an experiment that I think got way out of hand.
The premise is simple. With all of the tile-generating code out there, I wanted to see if it was possible to make a "maze-like" environment with no 100% straight corridors and using only 4- 8x8 tiles and placed randomly on the board. AND make it so that every point can be reached no matter the arrangement and that it is not a "cake walk" to do so - and there are no hard diagonal lines.
Run the code and navigate using the arrow keys. See if you can put the player in the top-left-hand corner of the maze.
Press ❎ to swap between showing the maze and the 4-different tiles.
- Dark blue.
- Dark red.
- Dark green.
- Brown
Press 🅾️ key to start to fill in every point from where the player is. If your tiles are correct, every point on the map should be reached. Once complete, press CTRL+R to rerun the code.
Try it with mine and you will see it gets all of the map now.
Your mission if you choose to accept it is to load my cart in Pico-8 and take my existing tiles and modify them or completely develop your original own.
Make a tile arrangement that is both pleasing to the eye to make it "maze-like" and so that every point can be reached by pressing 🅾️.
This will require not only your programming skills and spatial knowledge but your artisan ability as well.
Also this code is free to all. CC0. Anyone can have it and use it for any reason, commercial or not. Modified or unmodified, no attribution.
When you've come up with a good arrangement, either post a new cart as a reply or paste the 4-tiles as an image directly into the code. You can do so by entering the sprite editor and using the mouse, hold down the shift key and highlight the 4-tiles. Press CTRL+C.
Then anywhere in your comment or reply, press CTRL+V to have them appear there. You can confirm this in PREVIEW. Explain how you developed your tiles and what thinking you did to do so.
Here are the 4-tiles I am using above:
[56x8] | |
Challenge yourself. Challenge each other. I'm very curious to see what you can come up with !
Bonus brain pick if you develop a set using more than 4 tiles.
Best of luck !
Not that bad, if you want to play some timekiller, you found it, challeging a bit, when i mean a bit, i meant a bit, about 3 mins used for completing level 3
Edit: i mean not level, mode, srry
Hi @JBotReality.
Wow ! You solved it with the color turned on. My brain can't figure out of a maze if the walls keep changing colors. Well done.
Of course the real mental challenge here is to develop your own maze blocks and see if you can make it challenging for a player to solve yet simple for a computer to build. :)
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