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Cart #magic8ball-0 | 2024-03-24 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This Picotron cartridge can predict the future! Simply ask it any yes or no question, shake the window, and you'll get your answer!

(I hear you can also press z to get an answer, but that seems less fun than shaking the window.)

This was a fun little project to make. I finally figured out how to edit the cartridge's metadata! (Though I'm still not sure how to do it on a fullscreen cartridge).

I wanted to put a sound effect when shaking the window, but I have no idea how to work the instrument editor lol.



oh, i swear i read about a command for the terminal that lets you open the metadata editor for the currently loaded cart, but i can't find it now :(


@Maeve I figured it out! The command is about. You can also right click the file (if it's on the desktop) or do Ctrl+I. (I think those last two are new to the 0.1.0c update. Not sure about Ctrl+I)

yay glad u figured that out. also omg?? 0.1.0c is out?? yay!!

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