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Cart #loki_ssurge_menu-3 | 2023-10-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License



Now that's a Shmup!!! Bullets everywhere, banging music and I love the orbiting craft that can fire behind you. Great design decision.


Very good game! Continue to make games!


God that fucking main canon of boss is hard as crap. this must be hardest boss fight i've ever experienced. you've died too many times your skill even regress

tips for second boss destroy front canon immediately than focus on main canon's fire and dodge them all next destroy vulcan


This is excellent! That being said, hoo boy that second boss is just unbeatable for me. I finally took out one of its main guns and then it just goes insane. Don't think im gonna get beyond that.

I dont play too many shmups, so I don't know all the strats... but it seems like dropping your partner ship is kind of OP? Like, your fire rate goes up, AND its attack is pretty critical? I basically never mount it with me, which is kind of a bummer cuz thats where your powerups factor in. Maybe a buff to the mounted mode?

Sweet game, but I dont think I can beat that second boss.


Wow, this is amazing! Such a cool color palette, and awesome music.


fantastic game! great difficulty -- hard but barely possible for me -- and overclock mode was a treat!

oh interesting @paloblancogames, I actually came to the opposite conclusion -- I never dropped the partner ship, to focus on dodging and not so much on aiming. I did drop the partner ship during the final boss, to precisely take out targets to control the phase 2 aggro. I also don't play many shmups. I'm glad to see someone disagree with me -- I felt a tiny bit disappointed that the partner ship didn't seem very relevant. I didn't notice the fire rate difference, maybe I should reconsider.


I am now the entire leaderboard, and i beat the three part boss.


Argh, that was hard but finally I could beat the boss in normal mode.
Not sure what kind of powerup the midboss gave though.




@paloblancogames I've only played a bit, but I think your overall firepower is the same or greater when attached? The option ship autofires at nearby enemies whether it's attached or detached; at the start of the game, attached mode gives you three firestreams instead of two but I think the rate is lower, so maybe the output is the same. And then of course it increases with upgrades.

Also you're slower with the option detached.


maybe add global leaderboards once scoresub() is implemented
it might be a while


This game is absolutely insane, but like - in a good way. I even managed to get through the first boss somehow.


So many close calls! INSANITY!


This game is undeniably unusual. I successfully defeated the first boss by using several strategies.



This is a very well-done and polished game. Great job.

I'm not a bullet hell player. Is being able to place that option guy somewhere on the screen and leave him pinned there a popular feature of these games, or is it something you came up with? It's a neat feature.


Another dev/friend of mine, Louie (dev of Kalikan), made a second ship for his game that had a similar idea to this, very different in implementation but was very cool. At the time I was also experimenting with other small demos I was making and the idea of doing a mixup of Turrets + Shmup was interesting and added a layer of complexity I hadnt seen before. So I decided to implement it and loved the results + the new axis of complexity it offers to the player.


badass game! keep it up!


This is my peak.

Freaking HITLESS run, so sad i didn't record it 😭


Holy hell, that was so, so cool! Love the R-type inspired drone mechanic, and the look and feel is fantastic, very Cameron/Scott style sci-fi inspired. Very new to all this and hadn't really considered making a vertical shooter before as a full project, but this definietely made me want to explore some things. Great work!

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