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Cart #laserduel-0 | 2023-12-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Laser duel for up to 4 players.
No single player content yet.
Each button rotates the laser in either direction.
Fire your laser by pressing both buttons simultaneously.


Nice controls for the limited buttons, satisfying sounds and effects, I like the feel of this combat, very nice work!

I also like what you did with the dynamic fill pattern for a scalable "strength" of the laser. I have messed around with this concept myself but this is better than my attempts!

Hey thanks for the comment and thanks for trying it out!

The laser started as a way to indicate aiming, but static dots just looked back so I tried random per frame fill and I really liked the result! I polished a bit later.

I am still working on this little project every now and then.

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