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Cart #kaizoleste-1 | 2023-05-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


A new mountain has been discovered where the impossible becomes possible and chaos becomes order and order becomes chaos. Random peaks, Deep caves, and penguins galore, Madeline faces her hardest challenge yet in Kaizoleste.


This mod has SAAAAAVE DAAATAAA!!!! all of your progress is saved no matter where you play, even online! all your data is saved including: your current level; your total time played; your death count and; your berry count! if you click "delete save" in the pause menu, all of your savedata is gone. if you accidently click it, no worries! just beat your current level and you wont lose any progress.

Also credits to evercore team for evercore, because i used it as a base for this mod.


This mod REQUIRES spike clips and spike jumps to beat. jemskip is NOT possible to my knowledge, and all levels and berries are possible, but some require harder tricks. helpful arrow signs indicate how to perform certain tricks, but they go away later on. For more info on speedrunning tricks and tech, goto https://celesteclassic.github.io/glossary/ !

This was my absolute favorite thing in general to make. the journey of creating this mod took about 1 year and every minute was worth it. thank you so much for playing and cheering me on and i hope you enjoy this mod as much as i enjoyed making it

Heres my best time:

Congrats to @Catastrophic Cal for beating my time!



how do you do the end of level 2? I know you can go through upwards facing spikes but i dont know how.


nvm i figured it out



wait so how do you do the last part of level 2, I don't know how to get through the upwards spikes

Hi @NatNatNJG ! Thanks for the comment! you have to time it right. You have to dash on the right frame. its a hard trick, but you can change how fast you get to the top by dashing down through the springs to get to a lower one.


How many levels are there?

Around 19, but there are about 261 in emotional time.

The first level is litterally impossible.

@DOJI13 hi ! https://celesteclassic.github.io/glossary/ shows all the tricks you need for this mod.


all i needed to know about myself is that i can do the first down up spike dashes in the first level 10/10


Congrats! Its only uphill from there!


This mod was an absolute nightmare to play through, but it was equally as fun and enjoyable. This was my first run, and it was genuinely a good time and really fulfilling when I finally reached the top. That year you spent working on this was not put to waste, this was an amazing mod and really fun.

This was my final score

@AntiBrain I managed to beat your score ;P

Also, the fact that this had save data was really helpful because my laptop did a update overnight while I was somewhere around the midpoint of the game, and it got closed out of. But I didn't have to do it all again thanks to the save data.

I might try this again someday and try to beat my score now that I know how to beat each level

I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Congrats on beating my time!


Managed to cut my time in half, my deaths into a third, and my berries to 9 :D

Wow! That's genuinely really impressive! Maybe I should set up a speed run leaderboard...

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