Juicio (Juice-e-Oh) is a local startup situated in the middle of No-where Dry Dry Basin.
Sasa needs help making smoothies for hungry bird clientele, Fit falling fruit into 5x5 squares to clear!
Zone out to either minty or spicy mode and share your highscores!
Left/Right to move (Fruit can wrap across the screen.)
Down to advance by one
Up to quick drop
🅾️ to advance/select dialog option
Star blocks give score when you fill the star birds on the sides of the screen. If you fill them out with stars to spare you'll get bonus score.
If fruit goes over the blender line it's game over, But if you would've cleared your all good to keep going!
Designed by a guy that doesn't like tetris so probably weird.
Game dedicated to my mother. Happy birthday! <3
Here's my highscores if you want to beat them: :p
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