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Hi again!

Here is the second early release of my very first game: an arkanoid-like clone. I'm not looking to replicate the original game exactly, but to use it as a base to learn in the process.

I focused this release on cleaning the code - I was close to run out of tokens - and improving collisions. There aren't any visual/audio improvements from the 0.0.1 release (first release here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=143441).

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to play it and provide feedback. I'm looking at you @RealShadowCaster, your insights on the collision engine were very useful. Let me know what you think of this version.

Cart #jplabs001_2-0 | 2024-08-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Great progress, congratulations.
Bricks are now feeling solid witch is great.
They are also feeling grippy witch is strange and unusual, but could totally have a place in a breakout game, but would require a more earthly/rusty look to correspond to their behavior.
What I mean by grippy is that when you have a flat looking wall, horizontal or vertical, you still often hit corners between tiles and bounce back.

grippy tiles also significantly increase the chances of the ball getting stuck.

In the screen shot, the ball bounces back and forth between the low left corner of the top gold, and the top left corner of the bottom left gold tile.
With neighborhood based hit boxes, that corner wouldn't have existed and the ball would have continued downwards.

Even with neighborhood hit boxes, there's still a lot of ways to enter an infinite trajectory.
You'll have to come up with something.

In the original, the source of trajectory interference was the ball acceleration that was added from time to time to the horizontal component (only when going up), and also the monsters. The choice of ghostly monster that go over bricks and only hit the ball, or solid monsters that are stopped by bricks was chosen depending on level layout, to minimize the number of situation where a ball has to accelerate to get unstuck (time is money in this context)

Maybe the game acts like a flipper and you can bump the entire screen with X and O ? Maybe after 20 consecutive brick or wall hits, the ball splits in two with random directions ? Maybe a friendly monster brings it back to you ? Maybe the ball becomes fireball and eats through everything, gold included, for a few seconds... Lots of possibilities.

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