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Cart #healthemup-0 | 2024-07-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Heal your allies during a protest by throwing band-aids at them. They all need to be conscious at the end of the countdown!
Be careful, you have a limited number of ammunitions. Reload regularly.
You can also use a little caffeine boost to move faster!


We are a team of students at Ada Tech School from Paris, France. For our school project, we had two weeks to make a game using Pico-8. We are happy to present you Heal'em'up, a non-shooter where you need to heal instead of shooting. Your mission: protect and help all the protesters.

Stanz-ie ([https://github.com/Stanz-ie/])
Lapinweb ([https://github.com/Lapinweb/])


Nice alternate shmup! I thought the heal patches would be more potent but with lower patches supply but turns out it's the opposite.

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