Why do we fall? So we may learn how to make soup
Froglegs is a small platformer inspired by games like "Jump King" and "Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy", fashioning 1-bit styled graphics, all made with PICO-8. Our frog friend is on a quest he didn't initially embark to take, but when life gives you wells to jump down into, you learn to make soup. Oh, and starchase too, yes, starchasing is important - "Why stars?", Why anything, brother?

Learn to jump, bounce and the second law of thermodynamics, all through merely two buttons: Z and X on keyboard and (O) and (X) on PICO-8/Mobile. One to go left, one to go right. Easy peasy, right? You can also go into the pause menu (Enter or P on PC) to switch the inputs to be further confused.

Once you have proved you are a master at jumping down wells and getting out, you can show off how fast "fast" is, and showcase your chops to other well-dwelling frogs. Press the pause button and enable the "speed-running mode" to zoom out and show all your gamer stats to other gamer frogs. If you have gotten this far, I'm sure you'll understand what each stat is.

If you liked the game, you can purchase it at https://lokistriker.itch.io/frog to support your local dev. Thank you for checking out this tiny experience and I hope you make it out of the well!

well i sure dont have the patience for this xd (also why isnt there an option to use arrows instead of z and x)

i have jump king in my wishlist and also used to watch it a lot in twitch. so being able to play a game based on it is really nice.
i've only collected 2 stars so far but I would already like to say that I really like how the game feels <3

motivated by Verb i was trying to grab all the items he found and i found one more.
is this all items?
update: my best attempt so far. :)

I haven't beaten it yet but its a good Foddian inspired game, I do think to make this more accessible for people not use to the genre you should add in an easy mode in the settings, It doesn't add checkpoints or anything but it adds an arrow or meter to tell you how much charge you have in your jump

I mean, I read the words "Bennett Foddy", I really should have known better. Masterfully done; you've managed to capture that teeth-grinding "I am the sole cause of all my myriad troubles" vibe that so exemplifies the genre. Gold star, I absolutely hate it. :D

Cannot wait to see this on featured, fantastically well done game! Jumps feel good after you learn the setups and the ending was a nice touch!

this should be featured, it's incredibly whimsical and charming.

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