Flappy Cat
Date: 28.05.2023
This game is a remake of the classic flappy-bird game in pico8. You will get one point for each cat-pole you have crossed. The game is endless but you do loose if you hit any of the poles. No collision at the bottom nor the top of the screen! If the player hit a certain amount of points, the game will get faster! So be aware! If you play on easy mode, the Highscore counter will reset after each death! It’s not a bug it’s a feature:p. On normal mode, the Highscore will stay!
Use the "❎" button for all interactions!
Press "🅾️" button to bring up the pause menu
Flappy cat was created on the 28.05.2023 which is my second submission ever, so it ain't really that great. Feel free to edit and change this game!
Enjoy! :)
- Fixed difficulty selection bug!!!
- Added an difficulty selector at the start
- Made the game a bit easier
- Minor bug fixes
- Speed increase after 50 points
- Fixed all collision error!
- Added Pause menu sound
- More squishable cat! <3
- Improved map design!
- Further improved speed control
- Repositioned the cat
- Fixed uncrossable poles
- Added "Highscore" counter
- New speed control
- New Game Over scene
- Improved map
- Improved title image
- Added a pause menu
- Game will get faster when the player reaches a amount of points
- Added additional sound effects!
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