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Cart #druid_dash_ppp-0 | 2024-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This game was made for the Pursuing Pixels James Jam Game Gam #3 with theme parallel. Some art (mainly my trees and grass) were taken from the first version: Druid Dash: Magic Mushroom Mania

Shorter than what I wanted, but that is the life of weeklong jams that you develop under 10 hours.

There is a bug that sometimes comes up with spirits not moving, you will have to restart the stage with C x)


Move spirits around the map and guide them to their shrines. Once they move, they will continue to do so until they hit a wall.

⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️ - Move around

❎: X - Next Stage

🅾️: C or Y/Z - Restart Level

You can read all about the development if you are into things like that:

You can read a few devlog about this game!

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My awesome supporters over at Ko-fi! They allow me to pursue this niche hobby of mine! If you'd like more, consider hopping over to my Ko-fi page, where I share pixel art, game devlogs, postmortems, code rundowns, all that gamedev jazz! And if you can maybe drop in a coffee so I can make the next one faster!

Thank you Csöndi, Nerdy Teachers and Fletch for allowing me to keep up this hobby!


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