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Cart #dokgdama-0 | 2024-08-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Blasted Space 1.0

This is my first Pico-8 game that I created following the Lazy Devs Academy's Basic Shmup Tutorial.

Normal Mode

This is a fixed mode with nine waves. Press either button to shoot. Collect pickups to increase your score. Every pickup will be worth 100 points more than the last pickup. If the player takes damage, the pickup counter will reset.

Survival Mode

This mode will randomize enemy placements and the player will only be given one life. After every wave, enemies will become more aggressive. Try to survive as long as you can.

Thank you for playing.



Good learning curve. I like how the enemies the move do so at quite different speeds, it forces the player to maintain attention on a lot of different things. Often it's the slow-moving red homing enemies that get me, because I'm paying focussing on the faster ones.

On this run, the first I completed, I think I got my combo score to 2,500 at level 7 or 8 before I got careless and suffered two hits in succession.

I like the fact that the golden enemies don't just fly across the bottom of screen, or select a random y-axis to attack. They specifically launch themselves at the same y as the player. I don't know if that's part of the tutorial or something you added, but it feels clever.

One comment I have is that, like almost ever game based on that tutorial, the explosions from the player's bullets frequently hide incoming bullets from the enemies, which can be quite frustrating.

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