Desktop cat 1.0
This is a desktop wallpaper that lets you watch a cat run around and play! It uses up barely any cpu at all (~0.0113 as of 0.8), so dont worry about it eating up too much cpu.
Watch a cat run around and play on your desktop! It can roam around, sit or sleep, chase the mouse, or even chase a toy around!
On boot, it spawns a random amount of toys (and cats!), but the chance for a lot to spawn is pretty low.
Sometimes the cats do try and break things, so dont be discouraged if you come back to find all of the toys are missing.
To install this animated wallpaper, put the file in /picotron/drive/appdata/system/wallpapers/. then just select it from settings.
- Fixed - Collision not accounting for z position.

Things like this make me wish I could just do everything within Picotron from now on :D
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