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Cart #cyberlike_1_10_1-0 | 2024-03-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Playtest and proof of concept for upcoming roguelike, made with @Krystman 's LazyDevs Porklike tutorial.


More graphics, sounds, and quality of life juice!


LoRA: Has a good base strength, but no stealth. Repels enemies, who get damaged if they collide with something.

V1p3R: Has great stealth but no strength. Dashes through enemies.


O(C/Z) to bring up menu and confirm.
X ( X ) to use your special ability or to cancel.


If you flatline, you'll receive an error code, and the name of the data construct that caused it. The parts of the error code are, in order,
player, floor, kills, programs installed : steps.



  • to do:
    • make enemies with ranged attacks (there are turrets that can't move but will shoot you at orthoganal angles)
    • make trails that follow certain enemies?
    • create data shards on each level that, when interacted with, give different choices
    • code boss fight
    • code multiple endings
    • severely reduce token count to accommodate these changes
  • gave player 2 random consumables at start


  • Finished porklike tutorial.
  • fixed LOS
  • added more sounds
  • fixed skin tone of V1p3R and LoRA to look more grey
  • changed LoRA's special graphic to better reflect what it does (+ instead of o)
  • tweaked LoRA's special mechanics
  • added hints to previously-installed scripts
  • added intro screen
  • added screen shake
  • began to worry about token counts
  • didn't sleep
  • send help


  • massive update to graphics and sound
  • added damage to LoRA's push attack if enemies collide with walls.


  • changed death stats to be an error code based on your stats in game.


  • added death stats
  • cleaned up a bit of code
  • started to panic as I hit 7,300 tokens

v.1.7.4 hotfix

  • fixed fog of war not updating when V1p3R dashes.

v.1.7.3 hotfix

  • fixed bug where enemies that popped out of bits/bytes are invisible.

v.1.7.2 hotfix

  • fixed full inventory that I'd accidentally left in while testing

v.1.7.1 hotfix

  • fixed bug where you could break the game by getting 7 items

v. 1.7

  • finished coding different programs that you can install in yourself and others.
  • changed end map to the boss room, notably empty of boss at present.

v. 1.6

  • add dash and repel abilities for V1p3R and LoRA respectively
  • define programs to install
  • create boss room
  • fixed intro tilte screen song


  • created a database of enemies and items
  • made enemies to populate each floor that get progressively harder
  • changed the tileset again after playing Tron 2.0 to figure out why the screen looked so loud


  • Made map tiles that went through several iterations before settling on a good aesthetic
  • added wall overlap on the top floor tile of each room
  • added decorations like wall lights, bad sectors, etc
  • cleaned up some of the code
  • added cyberspace entry point and basic win level (both to be severely updated)
  • decided on multiple endings and made plans for the mechanics required to achieve that
  • added door generation
  • added floor announcements and activated warp points
  • added procedural generation for rooms and hallways
    v .1.0
  • made and updated throw functions
  • made a test map for you to try the mechanics out in
  • created stealth mechanic
  • fixed character select and music select stats
  • created "process" and "deploy" dummy functions
  • added stat buffs selectable through inventory
  • added character select menu
  • made full color label
  • created second character and implemented basic switching via code/variables
  • made menu screen graphics
  • added a menu
  • made user pic
  • started dreaming up second character to play as
  • added fog of war
  • fixed bugs where enemies didn't visibly attack
  • fixed some bugs and optimized tokens
  • made custom game over "FLATLINE" screen
  • added better AI
  • made possible intro screen
  • updated/fixed palette shift function to have more reds/oranges
  • added printo carried over from PONY9000 for better outline text
  • enemies speak japanese because a simple "!" and "?" was too cute
  • added HP display, might fix later because I want the datacell to display, not mans


  • added mob functions and rewrote player as part of mob
    • learned that mob is short for mobility, not "a mob of enemies"
  • put in palette shift system for later
  • implemented better collision system to prevent OOB and hide behind enemies


  • dynamic text boxes
  • made a lil security program guy


  • created test map
  • learned about sprite flags and how they work for collisions and interactions
  • set different interactions with different objects, made a test text box


  • made sprites
  • made turn-based movement that uses destinations that pull you to them (instead of pushing you based on button press duration)
  • animated main character. she dancin.
  • yeah, she.


Cute game. (^ ^)/

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