you get your own sky of stars! why not make some pictures in it? i'll name them for you! (i wll not be explaining the glyphs. that's up to you!)
your stars, star names, constellations, and constellation names are not guaranteed to stay the same across revisions. if you're attached to yours, make sure to keep backups of your cdata and the cart itself!
this cart is incomplete. let me know if you run into problems with the presentation, or other bugs! more vfx and sfx are planned, plus music, among other possibilities
a selection of known issues:
- there is no boundary. if you get lost, reset the cart
- you cannot make more than 124 links. if you do, the later ones will get lost
- no one really knows why we're here
arrows: move the view
(while no star is selected)
O: select this star
X: delete all links with this star
(while a star is selected)
O: link this star with the selected star
X: unselect the selected star
("this star" means the star under the cursor, the one whose name shows up at the bottom of the screen)
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